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Chair Blank confirmed that the Commission is generally fine with the language in Item 3 <br />with the deletion of the term "Specific Plan" and just make it "PUD Development Plan." <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she could probably live with that. She indicated that <br />she is just a little concerned that the Commission is maybe backing into a corner a little <br />bit that may not be necessary down the road. <br />Chair Blank stated that he hears what Commissioner Narum is saying but that he is just <br />trying to avoid another referendum. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if anyone had an idea to do something with the <br />manufactured slope, that it did not have to be an exception. <br />Chair Blank stated that it is engineered language that has to be translated. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she had some language to the effect of "manmade <br />slopes greater than 25 percent slope may be built on if it can be determined that the <br />slope was less than 25 percent prior to when the grading occurred. " <br />Chair Blank asked staff if they can work on that in terms of legalese. <br />Ms. Harryman said yes. She indicated that she actually wrote something that is a little <br />different but is the same concept. She indicated that she does not look at this as an <br />exception as much as it is just explaining what is meant by how to measure the <br />25- percent slope. <br />Chair Blank noted that it is an implementation procedure. <br />Ms. Harryman agreed. She stated that is it looking at a natural slope and not at a slope <br />that has been altered. She added that in determining whether a slope is 25 percent or <br />greater, one has to look to the natural slope based on contour maps and topographies; <br />it is not an exception. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that it is pretty clear, where somebody had drawn in the <br />line across that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that it would cover both directions, whether someone <br />altered it to bring it below 25 percent or it became greater than 25 percent, whether the <br />original slope was 25 percent or less. <br />Ms. Harryman agreed. She noted that in determining 25- percent slope, one needs to <br />look at the natural, not what has been altered, based on the evidence that is there. <br />Chair Blank stated that the staff recommendation is to adopt a resolution recommending <br />approval of the Draft Chapter 18.70 Ridgeline and Hillside Protection Preservation, <br />Exhibit A, dated January 23, 2013. He indicated that the Commission was unanimous <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 29 of 44 <br />