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Commissioner O'Connor noted that in the first motion, Ms. McGovern did not like <br />Option 3, and she went on to say why. He continued that Mayor Hosterman then made <br />a new motion made which was later withdrawn; and the last motion shows Option 2 on <br />streets and roadways. He stated that, unfortunately, after that motion was made, the <br />Minutes did not go any further to list any clarifications to Option 2. He noted, however, <br />that he thinks that based on her letter, her intent was it should have been Option 2, that <br />she does not think there is any room for exceptions. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she thought Ms. McGovern ultimately suggested <br />"unless the street or road is covered by a Specific Plan or PUD, development plan <br />approved prior to November 2008." She noted that things were crossed out and then <br />taken out, and Mayor Hosterman then withdrew her motion to favor the substitute <br />motion. Commissioner Pearce agreed that it does not appear that that necessarily got <br />into the Minutes verbatim, but she interpreted this as being part of what Council agreed <br />with and the reason why Mayor Hosterman withdrew her motion. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that the first sentence of that paragraph quoted by <br />Commissioner Pearce reads: "Councilmember McGovern stressed her concern over <br />vesting rights within a Specific Plan..." which sounds different from the last sentence. <br />Chair Blank inquired if these Minutes have been officially approved or if they are still <br />Draft Minutes from the Council. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he believes they are approved. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that they were then approved by people who were not <br />on that Council. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that staff got the reference to which one Ms. McGovern approved <br />based not on what was written in the Minutes but on watching the tape. He noted that <br />there was a dialogue back and forth between Ms. McGovern and Mr. Sullivan and City <br />Manager Nelson Fialho. He indicated that he thinks this is where the confusion comes <br />in. He noted that it was actually a point raised by Commissioner O'Connor and the talk <br />about the ability to do something for the public and whether or not it is covered. He <br />admitted that this particular issue is unclear and thinks that for the time being, the <br />Commission should assume that Ms. McGovern did not want the exception process. <br />He noted, however, that the Commission should decide what it thinks and recommend it <br />to the Council. <br />Chair Blank expressed some concern that what staff was watching on the video and <br />what is reflected in the Minutes are two different things. He noted that his <br />understanding is that the Minutes are the official record. He was concerned that while <br />the Minutes were approved by a Council different from who made them, what was <br />written in the staff report was apparently based on the video rather than on the <br />approved Minutes. He indicated that while he absolutely trusts staffs judgment and <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 26 of 44 <br />