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feeling of it because they looked at it with a critical eye, it is really troubling and not an <br />issue they can fix. <br />Commissioner Olson went back to Mr. Dolan's question and asked the Commissioners <br />if they think there should be an exception process. <br />Chair Blank replied that based on Commissioner Narum's proposal, if the Commission <br />can do this without an exception process, he thinks it is cleaner because the language <br />in Measure PP is really, really clear. He added that while he certainly respects the <br />judgment of legal counsel, that interpreting any of the language here is absolutely within <br />its purview and absolutely the right thing to do, that creating a process that does not <br />exist may be technically legal and there may be a court case that says cities do that all <br />the time, he does not like the exception process and feels a little uneasy about it. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed with Mr. Dolan that she can make a good argument that a <br />road or a street is a structure and just as good an argument that it is not. She continued <br />that if the Commission wants not have to deal with exceptions, she would probably tend <br />to say that roads and streets are not structures and, therefore, there is no question <br />about whether or not an exception is necessary to get an exemption. She noted that <br />she thinks it fits the right criteria which she believes is actually pretty clear. <br />Chair Blank noted that Commissioner Narum brought up a point earlier that even if <br />something is exempt from Measure PP, it is still going to come to this Commission and <br />to the Council. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed, noting that if the City is going to build a water tank or a <br />park or spend money for something somewhere in the public, it would still be subject to <br />the public review process. <br />Commissioner O'Connor commented that he thought the controversy was over <br />manmade versus non - manmade slopes. He stated that he thinks the streets were clear <br />and that legal counsel made a good argument as to why a street is a structure. He <br />added that everything in the General Plan says so. He noted that he did not think that <br />was so controversial because this is about streets and roads for residential and <br />commercial development, not for City use to get to a tower, which does not need an <br />exception because it does not pertain to those. <br />Chair Blank asked the Commissioners if the language in Item 3 as it is written on page 4 <br />of the staff report but without the phrase "Specific Plan ": "...are covered by Measure PP <br />unless the street or road is covered by a PUD Development Plan approved prior to <br />November 2008. "is acceptable to them. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she was comfortable with that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor agreed. He added that the Commission does not have to <br />clarify anything regarding the City wanting to build anything or to go to a park or to a trail <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 27 of 44 <br />