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Commissioner Narum stated that she would like to come up with a way to get away <br />from having to discuss exceptions, that gives some clarity and meets the intent of <br />Measure PP. <br />Chair Blank stated that the Commission could modify this language, but even it did, <br />there would not be an exception process but it would still be an exception to <br />Measure PP. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that it would be silent on manmade versus natural as <br />Measure PP talks about slopes. <br />Chair Blank noted that was a good point. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that manufactured slopes are here and that the <br />Commission has to address them. He indicated that he thinks the way Commissioner <br />Narum described it initially is the way to do it. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she thinks the Commission has to call it out. <br />The Commission then went back to discuss Item 3: Definition of Streets and Roads <br />as Structures. <br />Chair Blank asked Mr. Dolan if staff has been able to do some research on this item. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that staff's information shows that Ms. McGovern picked Option 3 and <br />amended the language, crossing out some of the parts of Option 3 but including some <br />of the others regarding the references to the Specific Plan and PUD. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that it could also be that if Ms. McGovern motioned <br />Option 3, her intent may have been Option 2. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that Ms. McGovern took Option 3 and took quite a bit of it out to make <br />it more like Option 2, but she still left in the language about the provisions for giving <br />status to things approved in a Specific Plan or PUD. <br />Chair Blank stated that he is reading that it was seconded by McGovern to acknowledge <br />the following formula: calculation of slope of Option 1; definition of ridges Option 2; <br />manufactured slope Option 2; and streets and roadways Option 2. He noted that he <br />does not see any reference to Option 3. <br />Mr. Dolan noted that Ms. McGovern started with Option 2. He added then maybe it <br />would be more worthwhile then to figure out what it is the Commission thinks about the <br />substance of Ms. McGovern's motion that staff got wrong. <br />Chair Blank stated that he looked at both motions that were passed, skipping the <br />intervening discussion, and in both motions, it appears that Option 3 is not in existence <br />anywhere. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 25 of 44 <br />