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Mr. Dolan noted that he thinks the Commission can now clearly see that interpretation is <br />required, and just like in some of the other issues, the Commission has to come up with <br />something. He indicated that the way it is written, he would read it as the foundation; <br />however, that it is the roof is also a reasonable interpretation for the Commission to <br />recommend to the Council. He added that he does not know that it needs to be studied; <br />it is just a choice. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he votes for the roofline. <br />Chair Blank and Commissioners Narum and O'Connor agreed. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she thinks the intent is either way, and this is a more <br />conservative approach. She indicated that she was fine with that interpretation. <br />Commissioner Narum commented that the Commission does not have the final <br />decision. <br />3. Definition of Streets and Roads as Structures <br />Chair Blank noted that the email from Ms. McGovern states that the Council chose <br />Option 2 as opposed to Option 3. He inquired if staff agrees with that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he thinks Option 1 stated that streets and roads <br />were not structures; Option 2 stated that they were; and Option 3 had exceptions in it. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired who was right. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that on that particular item, staff will have to check if this is an incorrect <br />reference or if it is actually the substance that is incorrect. He suggested that the <br />Commission move on to the next item in the meantime. <br />4. Manufactured Slopes Over a 25- Percent Grade, as Amended <br />Commissioner Olson stated that again, the public would have access to this deliberation <br />through the Planning Commission and City Council public review process. He noted <br />that if the manufactured slope can be mitigated by filling that in and stabilizing it, for <br />example, where the owners graded a road through the hill and created an extreme <br />slope, then he does not see why building on it would not be allowed. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that the issue is not that it is unstable but that they are <br />asking to make an exception and fill it so that they can get more acreage for <br />development and use some level of construction on it, whether it is a street or a home. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if the extreme slope along that manmade road is part of <br />the viewscape in the City. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 21 of 44 <br />