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Commissioner O'Connor replied that he would say it is not. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that it is really not a ridge then. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that it is not that it is a ridge but that it is within the hills <br />that are over 25- percent slope. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that if it is built back in, it would be less than 25 percent. <br />Commissioner Olson agreed. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she visited that site, and before she visited it, her <br />thinking was not to allow building on manufactured slopes over 25- percent grade. She <br />continued that when she saw the cut, she did not believe that was the intent of <br />Measure PP. She noted that where that particular cut was located did not appear to her <br />to be a ridge and did not appear to be visible to everybody. She indicated that it was <br />unfortunate that the owner of the land did something with his land, but she would not <br />have any problem granting an exception in that particular case. <br />Commissioner Narum continued that she was struggling a little bit with the idea of <br />granting exceptions at all; however, if she just looked at this manufactured slope <br />situation, she would tend to say that manufactured slopes would not be included as long <br />as in their natural state, they were less than 25 percent. She noted that in this case, <br />she thought this was pretty clear looking at that hill, that if it had not been cut out, the <br />slope of that line was quite a bit less than 25 percent. She stated that maybe that is a <br />little different way of looking at it, getting away from the exception process but still <br />staying within the intent of Measure PP. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he was struggling with the letter of the Initiative. <br />He indicated that he thinks that if it is over 25- percent slope today, then it falls under <br />Measure PP, and exceptions are supposed to be approved by a vote of the people. He <br />noted that the intent of the people might have been different and that he is certain that if <br />the people all walked this property, there would probably be about 49 different variations <br />of the intent. <br />Chair Blank noted that he thinks that if the people looked at that, they would say nobody <br />is going to try to develop on that and put a cut there. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that that is not what the City is trying to protect. <br />Commissioners Olson and Pearce agreed. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that the Commission could do what Commissioner Narum <br />has suggested and not apply an exception. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 22 of 44 <br />