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Mr. Roberts agreed with Commissioner O'Connor that the ordinance was really clear <br />that the provisions of the ordinance or the initiative can be amended and repealed only <br />by the voters of the City of Pleasanton. He indicated that there was nothing in there that <br />said exceptions could be granted; that whether a road is defined as a structure or not is <br />fine, but then there are no exceptions. He stated that he thinks the intent was not that <br />someone could later come in and interpret it and allow houses or structures on the <br />ridges because of this exception. He stated that the intent of the voters is to protect the <br />ridges from structures being built, and if a road is defined as a structure, then that is the <br />way it ought to be. <br />With respect to these man -made things, Mr. Roberts stated that it would be very helpful <br />if there were a limit of some relatively small number of vertical feet. He referred to the <br />example staff had of this cut that looked like it was about 10 -15 vertical feet and stated <br />an exception to the voters' 100 -foot limit cannot be more than 10 or 20 vertical feet. He <br />added that when this was discussed by Council, the phrase "landlocked areas <br />designated for development by the Pleasanton General Plan" was not included and <br />seemingly was just added recently. He noted that this would be a huge exception and <br />that just about every parcel could have that exception. <br />Carol Spain read the following prepared statement into the record: <br />"Good evening. My name is Carol Spain, and my husband and I have lived at <br />since 1989. 1 have served on the Ventana Hills Steering Committee <br />since its inception, when the Bode Ranch development was first proposed. <br />`i would like to bring to your attention three key points within the proposed <br />amendment to Title 18, all pertaining to Public and Private streets and Roads, which <br />can be found in the Draft Municipal Code Amendment, P12 -1796, Ridgeline and <br />Hillside Protection and Preservation, dated January 23, 2013, Chapter 18.70, <br />page 9, items E1 -E3. <br />"I. First, the City should grandfather Specific Plans or PUD Development Plans <br />approved prior to November 2008 (which is when Measures PP and QQ were <br />passed.) Previous members of City Staff, Planning Commissioners, City Council <br />Members, and various people within the community worked many long and <br />difficult hours to reach these agreements and they should be upheld. Proposing <br />anything other than grandfathering these plans represents an insult to the <br />process as well as to those who sat before you who approved these plans in the <br />best interest of the City and surrounding communities. Documentation relative to <br />supporting the key issue is included in the Draft Municipal Code Amendment <br />(Item E -1), and it is written in a way that aligns with the meeting minutes from the <br />Special City Council Meeting that was held on November 27, 2012. <br />"2. My second point is associated with the wording included in the Planning <br />Commission staff report dated 112312013, which references: Public and Private <br />Streets and Roads, and more importantly (since this is what is proposed to <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 13 of 44 <br />