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implementation and that she was not looking at it so much as an exception as a way to <br />interpret what the purpose and intent of the voters were when they adopted this. <br />Commissioner O'Connor commented that maybe they were looking too deep on what is <br />the intent, and maybe they should just read what the ordinance was and know that the <br />voters passed it. He indicated that it is a fairly simple ordinance; the voters wrote it <br />simple so it would not have all this controversy. He noted that every single word cannot <br />be defined and that documents would be so long if every word has to be defined. <br />Mr. Dolan commented that if the ordinance was that simple, then there would be no <br />need for an implementing ordinance. <br />Commissioner O'Connor agreed. <br />Mr. Dolan continued that yet everyone agrees an implementing ordinance is necessary <br />Commissioner O'Connor replied that he was not so sure. <br />Referring to the ridgeline or the 100 -foot setback from a ridgeline, Commissioner Narum <br />inquired, for illustrative purposes, should that 100 -foot setback be at a 1,000 -foot <br />elevation, if that means that the foundation of the house could be built at 999.9 feet with <br />the house then extending up into that 100 -foot setback, or if the entire house needs to <br />be below that 100 -foot setback line. <br />Mr. Dolan noted that is an excellent question and thinks that without further direction, he <br />would interpret it as the foundation. He noted that because that line moves, it would <br />have to be mapped. He added that if the Commission wants to be specific and say that <br />it is not, then it would be a good thing to include in this ordinance. <br />Commissioner Narum indicated that this is something she will want to discuss <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Allen Roberts stated that he was one of the signature - gatherers for Measure PP. He <br />indicated that he brought up the definition of "ridgeline" at the Council Workshop and he <br />thinks it was not very clear as to whether or not this would cover the things that the <br />voters wanted, which was specifically the protection of the ridgelines. He added that <br />prior to tonight's meeting, he thought about the Pleasanton Ridge and that everyone <br />would say that they would want this ordinance to apply to the Pleasanton Ridge. He <br />noted, however, that in the evening, the Pleasanton Ridge, with the sun behind it, has a <br />long slope that is probably several miles long and drops maybe 500 to 600 vertical feet. <br />He further noted that with the definition that staff has come up with for a ridgeline, that <br />entire miles of slope would not be applied as a ridge because the highest point, which is <br />probably north of Castlewood, would be defined as the end of the ridge, and all the rest <br />of it would not be applied as a ridge. He stated that he thinks that is not what the voters <br />wanted and that this definition of a ridgeline does not cut it. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, January 23, 2013 Page 12 of 44 <br />