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those Guidelines. He pointed out that this is their first pass and that they are definitely <br />willing to hear comments. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he is aware it is tight as far as setbacks in front are <br />concerned; however, he was hoping to get an extra foot or two to create a little deeper <br />porch where people could actually sit as was done in the old homes. <br />Mr. Schroeder replied that he would certainly be willing to look at those types of details. <br />He added that he would shoot for at least six feet on the portions that are useable <br />porches for an elevational character. He noted that this project would have a different <br />character because of its density, and the goal is to create a more typical, <br />conventionally- plotted single - family detached home subdivision rather than the <br />cluster -type project reflecting what was done across the street. He indicated that they <br />believe there is a real need and demand for this type of housing in the Downtown area <br />and that it would bring the type of buyers with disposable income who can walk to the <br />Downtown and spend there. He added that this would be a real positive thing for the <br />Downtown and certainly be an improvement over what is on the site now. <br />Mr. Schroeder stated that one of the issues of concern is the Floor Area Ratio (FAR). <br />He indicated that they had pushed the FAR a little bit, although not a bad way in terms <br />of design of the homes, and this was driven by what they think the market is. He <br />referred to his earlier discussion about the density and coverage of the surrounding <br />neighborhood, and he pointed out that with this FAR and this design, they are certainly <br />not exceeding but probably would be on the lower end of the overall coverage <br />compared to the surrounding neighborhood. <br />Mr. Schroeder then summarized other points that may not have been discussed: <br />• General Plan Amendment— If he had the time to go through a General Plan <br />Amendment, he would raise the density on this site because he thinks it is too <br />low for this location <br />Pedestrian walkway — He is open to whatever the Commission thinks is best for <br />the community. <br />Existing Structure — The proposal is to demolish the structure because it really <br />will not work by keeping the structure. They will not buy the property if they have <br />to keep the structure. The sellers will retain ownership, and he [Mr. Schroeder] is <br />not sure he wants to do the project with that structure there. He reiterated that <br />the structure is not historically significant and that it would be uneconomical to <br />make it useable; it is a detriment to the neighborhood. <br />Lot Sizes and the Homes — He has heard some comments about design. He <br />believes the driveway length of 20 feet is adequate; 22 feet can be considered <br />depending on what setbacks are acceptable. He can fiddle these footprints a <br />little bit and tighten them up to get better setbacks in those areas where there is <br />enough room. <br />On- Street Parking — This is adequate; it is a conventional public street with <br />parking on both sides. All the houses have full driveways and two -car garages.' <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, November 28, 2012 Page 11 of 38 <br />