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City of Pleasanton
PC 091212
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Ms. Ott stated that she does not have the answer right now. She indicated that some of <br />it is locational depending upon where the source of the noise is coming from and where it <br />is located on that property in the Transition Area, and so it may not be attainable for <br />some but may actually be for others. She added that staff will try and specifically get an <br />answer to that question. <br />Commissioner Pearce indicated that she is not sure if she has an opinion on noise right <br />now and that she would like to have more information on it. She added that she agrees <br />with Mr. Harvey that the Commission should be constrained to what the current Code <br />says but she would be happy to look at anything and to understand dBA a little bit more, <br />for example, what 60 dBA sounds like and how loud 70 dBA is. She indicated that she <br />does not need to get super technical, but she would appreciate anything that will really <br />help her understand what those kinds of decibel level look like. <br />Commissioner Blank agreed. He stated that it is always good to have a consultant, but <br />the Commission needs to actually hear it. He added that the Commission also needs to <br />be realistic about the Transition Area such that if the weather forecast says that it will be <br />raining by noon tomorrow, it does not that it will be clear until 11:59 a.m. and then at <br />noon the clouds roll in and the rain starts; there is a buffer in there and what they are <br />saying is that it is going to be clear at least until noon, but it might be clear until 1:00 p.m. <br />until the rain starts. He noted that the same thing is true with these buffers so the <br />Commission needs to have a realistic perspective. He indicated that he does not know <br />much about audio decibels, but he knows a lot about radio decibels, and based on that, <br />he thinks that if it is 65 dBA on one side of the street and it is not a very large street, it <br />would be 65 dBA or 64.5 dBA on the other side of the street. He noted that, as he <br />mentioned earlier, if the Commission could have a recording and hear what 60 dBA, <br />70 dBA, and 74 dBA sound like, the Commission could compare those and can make at <br />least an informed judgmental decision. <br />Commissioner O'Connor agreed with Commissioners Pearce and Blank. He indicated <br />that he is fine with the hours and thinks they do not need to be reduced. He stated that it <br />is all about the noise level and that his first inclination was that as the Code says 70 dBA, <br />he is a little hesitant to go to 74 dBA because if he does not know what 70 dBA is, there <br />would be no way for him to know what 74 dBA. He indicated that he does not know <br />either what 60 dBA sounds like but he is fine with that because it has been on the books <br />for quite a while. He agreed that it would be good if someone sat here with a meter and <br />actually played that for the Commission. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he would like to add on to something Commissioner <br />O'Connor said. He indicated that the Commission talked about it, but it would also be <br />helpful if staff could do some work or even talk to some Task Force members about <br />sustainability. He stated that he is familiar with the B scale, but if the noise exceeds a <br />certain limit for one minute in an hour, that could easily be registered high on the B scale. <br />He questioned if that would count if the 59 minutes of that hour were dead silent. He <br />pointed out that staff needs to figure out what constitutes a violation. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 29 of 35 <br />
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