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Commissioner Olson stated that he does not think it should be a reduced noise level. He <br />indicated that as he listens to this discussion, he thinks about Friday Night at the Park; <br />he does not particularly enjoy that kind of music so he does not go to the Park. He <br />added that like Mr. Huff, he lives a bit to the east and higher than the Downtown, so he <br />can hear the music, but this is part of Pleasanton and he is fine with it. <br />Commissioner Narum asked if staff has checked and verified that outdoor music in the <br />Transition Area on Peters Avenue would meet the 60 dBA level at the residential <br />property across Peters Avenue. <br />Ms. Ott replied that staff does not have a specific answer tonight but that she would ask <br />the noise consultant to verify that. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that for her, that is really the crux of the question. She <br />added that if it is 70 dBA at the Transition Area but it is not 60 dBA across the street, <br />then this would have to be revisited. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that both have to be met or it would be in violation. <br />Chair Pentin noted that it is property line to property line. <br />Commissioner Narum questioned if the 70 dBA, which is not unreasonable, resulting <br />from somebody playing outside in the Transition Area can decrease in sound low enough <br />to be 60 dBA across the street, which it is supposed to be at the property line. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that the way he reads it, it needs to be at 60 dBA across <br />the street, and if that means it needs to be at 65 dBA at the property line, then that needs <br />to be done to meet it. <br />Ms. Ott said that was correct. She added that the Task Force discussed that a business <br />might not be able to meet that maximum threshold in the Transition Area in order to <br />achieve the threshold that needs to be met at the residential property line. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that it seems to her that it is necessary to know what is <br />attainable because there is no point in saying 70 dBA for outside music, for example, if it <br />does not translate to 60 dBA across the street at the property line. She added that this is <br />something the Commission needs to understand a little better when it comes back. <br />Commissioner Pearce agreed. <br />Commissioner O'Connor commented that on First Street, however, where there is quite <br />a bit more depth in the Transition Area, this might be attainable; so now there would be <br />Transition Area A or Transition Area B. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 28 of 35 <br />