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Ms. Ott pointed out that by and large, moving along that edge between the Core Area <br />and the Transition Area, particularly along the west/Peters Avenue side, the Task Force <br />tried to follow property lines; however, in one or two instances, the property lines were <br />split as in the back parking lot that runs behind Blue Agave and Fernando's as well as in <br />the Bank of America lot. <br />• The proposed outdoor music hours (for outdoor music as a permitted accessory <br />use), and if these are appropriate. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he was fine with the hours. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired what the hours were and requested staff to restate them. <br />Ms. Ott put up the slide on the screen and indicated that the hours for outdoor music, is <br />until 9:00 p.m. ail days of the week in both the Central Core and in the Transition Area. <br />Commissioner Narum stated she was fine with it. She added that she thinks it is worth <br />noting that, in her recollection, there was significant discussion about allowing it seven <br />days a week in the Transition Area; the members took a couple of different votes and <br />they were not unanimous but still the majority. <br />Ms. Ott noted that was her recollection as well. <br />Commissioner Olson indicated that he was fine with it. <br />Commissioner Blank stated he was fine with it. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she was fine with it but expressed concern about the <br />seven days a week in terms of noise as opposed to music. <br />Commissioner Blank asked Commissioner Pearce if she would care if the noise is <br />60 dBA. <br />Commissioner Pearce said no. <br />Chair Pentin agreed with the Commissioners. <br />The next two bullet points were considered together. <br />• Should the proposed increase in the existing allowable noise levels for music and <br />entertainment Downtown be reduced (for example, to limit potential noise at <br />residential units within /near the proposed Downtown Hospitality Area? <br />• If the proposed maximum noise level (74 dBA) hours should be further limited (to <br />decrease the potential day /night noise level for residential units within /near the <br />Downtown Hospitality Area). <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 27 of 35 <br />