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Commissioner Pearce agreed that looking at where the restaurants and bars are and <br />where the Core and Transition Areas are, it seems like a compromise. She indicated <br />that she hears what Commissioner Narum is saying but struggles with whether anything <br />better can be done on Peters Avenue as there are businesses on one side and <br />residences on another. She stated that if she could figure out a way to do it better and <br />create more of a buffer, she would, but that she suspects this is the best that can be <br />done. She added that she agreed with Commissioner Blank. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he was fine with this. He stated that as he listens to the <br />discussion about noise, he was reminded that in the past, people who live right by the <br />railroad tracks had approached the Commission and complained about noise from the <br />railroad. He added that if that is a problem, those people should not have bought that <br />home right next to the tracks. He noted that several speakers made the point that <br />people who live in this area like it; they like the commotion, the energy, and the vitality, <br />and that is why they chose to live here. He further noted that he can understand older <br />people living here who say that it was not this way 20 years ago when they bought in; <br />however, he would come down on the side of trying to improve the vitality here. He <br />indicated that the Task Force did a good job on this and that he supports it. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that he agrees with what has been said regarding the <br />Transition Zone. He indicated that he thinks it is a compromise, and coming into a <br />second lot would include a few that come all the way to Main Street. He noted that he <br />had an opposite concern because he wants to do this once and not have to be <br />manipulating with these lots later. He stated that he has heard talk in the past about City <br />Hall moving or expanding elsewhere or converting what is currently there, and he is <br />looking at the big corner over by the library marked "City Hall," which looks like a huge <br />buffer zone area that who knows what it might be 10 or 20 years from now and there is <br />still that buffer zone on the opposite side of Old Bernal Avenue. He questioned why that <br />whole corner part was made into a buffer zone and not part of the Core. <br />Chair Pentin replied that he does not remember the Task Force really concerning itself <br />when it came to looking at the Transition and the Core Areas. He referred the question <br />to Ms. Ott. <br />Ms. Ott replied that there was no discussion about that corner. She noted that if the <br />theory that leaving one property along Old Bernal Avenue is followed as was done on <br />Peters Avenue, that space marked "City Hall" would be a buffer zone. She indicated that <br />it was not a significant conversation because nobody thought beyond having the City in <br />that location. <br />Chair Pentin stated that he would imagine that if it came to a point in time where City Hall <br />moved out of that space and it was rezoned high density, adding to the vitality, the <br />guideline there would also be changed. He indicated that this would be something for <br />the Commission to think about when the Guidelines come back. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 26 of 35 <br />