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City of Pleasanton
PC 091212
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Ms. Phalen stated that there was a lot of discussion between residents and businesses <br />during the Task Force meetings, and her personal feeling is that businesses were <br />probably not represented in a big enough way. She indicated that as a commercial real <br />estate broker, she thinks that having fewer Conditional Use Permit processes would be <br />really good as they are very expensive and time consuming. She noted that when she <br />brings people Downtown to show them a property and tells them they will need a <br />Conditional Use Permit, to hire an architect, and do some other things, she sometimes <br />never hears back from them. <br />Ms. Phalen stated that she was also personally involved in the PDA process and that <br />she thinks Pleasanton has to realize there is a lot of noise in town with trains, the Fair, <br />traffic, and all kinds of other things as well. She added that she really does not see that <br />the Downtown noise is all that much worse than a lot of those other things. She <br />indicated that when she was going through those meetings, her impression was that the <br />discussion was more around how to increase noise to the right kinds of levels rather <br />than any discussion of too much decreasing of noise. She also indicated that she <br />supports the choice of word "policy" because this is going to involve code changes and <br />thinks that would give a kind of smaller backbone to whatever is finally decided on. <br />Mike Peele, member of the Pleasanton Downtown Association Board, stated that he <br />moved to Pleasanton 40 years ago when he was a young man and his plans are to <br />move to Second or Third Street sometime in the very near future. He indicated that his <br />wife and he go out a lot and most of that time is spent in Livermore. He stated that two <br />weeks ago, they went to Harry's Hofbrau in Livermore before going to the movies, and <br />when they got out of the movie theater at around 8:55 p.m., they drove down First <br />Street in Livermore and for about 5 or 6 blocks there was no parking space available. <br />He added that all the restaurants were full and the outdoor dining was packed. He noted <br />that it was very vibrant and the hospitality was great. He continued that they drove back <br />to Pleasanton, went down Main Street, and half of the parking places were empty with <br />the only vitality area being Alberto's and Tully's Coffee Shop. <br />Mr. Peel stated that he fully supports the Guidelines. He noted that he believes in less <br />regulations and that he voted for the Guidelines because I think it was a fair and decent <br />compromise. <br />Pamela Hardy -Alpert stated that she is serving on the Economic Vitality Committee <br />along with Ms. Phalen and that she has also served on the Downtown Specific Plan and <br />a few other committees where the Downtown was a considerable part of that <br />discussion. She indicated that when the EVC looked at the Guidelines, the over - arching <br />question they asked was, "Does this'Policy' or'Guidelines' contribute to the vitality of <br />Pleasanton ?" She noted that there are bits and pieces of the Guidelines that she <br />maybe individually does not agree with, but taken on the whole, she believes the <br />Guidelines is a balanced approach that sets the level of expectation for the Downtown <br />area and gives the business owners, and to some extent the residents, some <br />predictability and consistency. She indicated that this is a really great start and sets up <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 23 of 35 <br />
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