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City of Pleasanton
PC 091212
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Jon Harvey stated that he was a member of the Task Force and that he spent most of <br />the time trying to get to a point where he understood the current or the initial conditions <br />and what they were starting with, and then trying to understand and come to what are <br />the set of parameters that they want to regulate. He indicated that he thinks the Task <br />Force moved very quickly in agreement regarding "let's define a line or a map so you <br />know where you're in and where you're out" and "let's define the hours of days where <br />the sound levels apply." He added that the members generally all agreed on that kind <br />of framework for the Guidelines, with the differences being in the hours, the decibels, <br />and the lines. <br />Mr. Harvey stated that he has one question that still needs some clarification: the table <br />has the decibel listed from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. at 60 dBA, but not from 6:00 a.m. to <br />10:00 p.m. With respect to the discussion around residential uses inside the Core Area, <br />he indicated that it was his understanding that it does not matter what the use is, that <br />whoever is within the Core Area is subject to the Core Area zoning guidelines, including <br />those in a residential use next to or above or below a commercially zoned property in <br />the Core Area, and the 74 dBA would apply to everyone. He continued that he thinks <br />the number was defined as 60 dBA in sensitivity to the residential uses inside the Core <br />Area so that after a certain point in the evening, those people who did choose to live in <br />the commercially zoned area would get some reprieve. <br />Mr. Harvey stated that there was not a lot of discussion about this but that it is probably <br />fair game for the Planning Commission to discuss this. He indicated that he disagreed <br />with some of the speakers that the numbers cannot be lowered, that they opened a can <br />of worms and everything is fair game, and that the Commission should strive to get to <br />the best result. He stated that he does not know if the right number is 60 dBA or <br />70 dBA or somewhere in between, but that it ought to be noticeably less than whatever <br />the number is before the 10:00 p.m. or the 11:00 p.m. threshold is hit, depending on the <br />day of the week. <br />Mr. Harvey stated that he supports the recommendation of the Task Force. He added <br />that he thinks the clarification made by the business community makes sense and are <br />consistent with his understanding with the only exception of the decibel level after the <br />10:00 or 11:00 threshold was hit. <br />Janice Phalen stated that she is a member of the Economic Vitality Committee and is <br />currently serving as Chair. She noted that it is a fairly large committee consisting of <br />23 residents. She stated that after the Task Force completed its work, the EVC felt that <br />it should probably weigh in on something around Downtown vitality and come up with <br />some recommendations. She indicated that the PDA did present its suggestions to the <br />EVC, who voted unanimously to support the PDA. She added that the discussion was <br />great and was very fast - paced, and the EVC really wanted to see vitality in the <br />Downtown increased at this point. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 22 of 35 <br />
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