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recommendations of the Guidelines inasmuch as he has a significant investment in <br />residential properties in these areas. <br />Mr. Hodnefield stated that he and his family support the conclusions and <br />recommendations in the Guidelines and sincerely hopes that after all the effort and <br />research that has gone into this document, it can be adopted and embraced by the City <br />of Pleasanton to make the City a more fun place to enjoy in the evenings with friends <br />and family. <br />Chair Pentin asked Mr. Hodnefield how he felt about the time changes recommended <br />by the PDA and EVC. <br />Mr. Hodnefield replied that he thought they were fine. He stated that extending the time <br />from 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. is standard for what people expect in those areas. He <br />added that he was additionally encouraged by the fact that it included some of the side <br />streets which he thinks are terrific places for small restaurants to engage in business <br />activities. He indicated that the Guidelines go a long way toward enriching the general <br />people who live in the immediate Pleasanton area, particularly in the Core Area <br />Downtown. <br />Mike Hosterman, President of the Pleasanton Downtown Association (PDA), stated that <br />he has a law office on Peters Avenue. He indicated that the PDA is in full support of the <br />Guidelines with the proposed changes on pages 5 and 6 of the staff report. He <br />provided a brief background of PDA's involvement in the hospitality plan, stating that in <br />March of 2010, about 40 persons interested in this process got together and put <br />together a small booklet in March of 2011, the Downtown Hospitality Plan, to make the <br />Downtown a more hospitable place with more activity. He stated that one part of this <br />booklet was the Downtown Hospitality District, which he is here to talk about. <br />Mr. Hosterman stated that when PDA took a look at the Guidelines, the Board of <br />Directors proposed changes to make the Downtown a more vital area for people to do <br />things. He stated that there is not very much going on in the Downtown after 7:00 p.m. <br />or 8:00 p.m., and PDA would like to encourage having places where people can go to <br />have something to eat or to get a drink and listen to some music after attending an <br />event Downtown or in the Firehouse Arts Center. He noted that he and his wife, <br />Jennifer, were coming back from the airport one night at 10:00 p.m. and drove around <br />Downtown Pleasanton looking for a place where they could eat and found none, and <br />they ended up at TGIF's on Santa Rita Road. He stated that this would indicate that a <br />little bit of help is need in the Downtown to have more activity. He added that the PDA <br />does not necessarily want Pleasanton to become a Walnut Creek or a Livermore and <br />that Pleasanton does not need to have night clubs, but it needs to have increased <br />activity Downtown. <br />In response to Chair Pentin's earlier question why PDA wants to change the title of the <br />map on page 6 of the Guidelines, Mr. Hosterman stated that the map originally indicated <br />that it was the location of selected downtown restaurants and bars, but there actually is <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 15 of 35 <br />