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Commissioner Blank commented that one would think that someone who moves into an <br />apartment or a place directly across from a bar or a sound studio would know that there <br />might be some noise. <br />Commissioner Narum agreed. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that the reason he is asking about owner- occupied <br />versus rental is because a renter would obviously have a lot more options, such as <br />picking up and moving, but it could be difficult for an owner occupant to move. <br />Still in relation to CEQA, Ms. Ott noted that the Transition Area is particularly narrow, <br />especially along Peters Avenue, and realistically applying all the decibel levels set out in <br />the Guidelines given those parameters, there may be some other options to consider <br />regarding whether or not those levels are appropriate. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Jerry Hodnefield stated that his family owns six properties in the Downtown area, one of <br />which is located a half a block from the Downtown Hospitality Central Core Area. He <br />noted that his daughter and her family are going to live in that home very shortly, and <br />they completely support the subject map and its recommendations. He added that they <br />are from the San Francisco area so they are probably used to more noise than the <br />average family. <br />Mr. Hodnefield stated that he has carefully read the Guidelines and thinks that the Task <br />Force has done a terrific job of trying to balance all the forces and to take a reasonable <br />approach in the effort to breathe some additional life into the Downtown area. He <br />indicated that in Los Gatos, aside from a few selected facilities like Brannigan's and the <br />microbrewery, the city goes pretty dead after 8:00 p.m., and in that respect, he believes <br />a few night spots might have provided a little more entertainment so the city would <br />benefit all who live within a reasonable walking distance. He added that the City of <br />Saratoga five miles away is completely dead after 8:00 p.m. <br />Mr. Hodnefield stated that he would hope for a little bit more with respect to the City of <br />Pleasanton and that the recommendations he read in the Guidelines go a long way <br />toward achieving those goals. He indicated that there will always be extremists who <br />either want no limits on the hours of bar restaurants and other places of entertainment <br />or want more restrictions and severely limit the hours of these establishments. He <br />added that it is in the best interests of most residents of Pleasanton to establish <br />reasonable balances between those who want more rules and those who want fewer <br />rules. He pointed out that there will be people who will be wringing their hands and <br />declaring that with the adoption of these new regulations, drunks and other undesirables <br />will be prowling the neighborhood streets; the neighborhoods will no longer be safe and <br />the property values will plummet. He indicated that research simply does not support <br />that position and if he believed that to be true, he would not support the <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 14 of 35 <br />