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City of Pleasanton
PC 091212
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Commissioner Blank commented that this seems a little dangerous because 50 people <br />may decide to come back in front of a business one hour after it has closed up and the <br />owners have gone home; yet the owners would still be responsible for having these <br />people loitering. <br />Ms. Ott stated that was a good point. She explained that the Task Force did not discuss <br />that issue, but conversely, some did not want loitering out in front of the business <br />regardless of whether the business was still open or not, and others felt that having <br />people gather and having some activity out in front of the business while it was open <br />showed vitality and signs of life. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he understands the intent because there have been <br />issues in front of this Commission where people loiter long after bars have closed. He <br />noted, however, that it is written so broadly that it might be misapplied. <br />Ms. Ott completed the PDA and EVC comments with the recommendations to allow all <br />existing hospitality - related CUPs to be amended at the staff level if they are consistent <br />with the Guidelines and to amend decibel levels to remain at 70 dBA instead of going <br />down to 60 dBA within the Central Core Area in the evening /early morning hours and to <br />remain at 70 dBA in the hospitality zone at all times and on all days rather than have <br />specific timeframes around it. <br />Commissioner Blank suggested that when this item comes back before the <br />Commission, it might be interesting for the Commission as well as the public to have <br />City staff bring a noise generator so people can hear the difference between 60 dBA <br />and 70 dBA. <br />Ms. Ott noted that Task Force had this presentation from a noise consultant at one of its <br />meetings. She then stated that the PDA and the EVC talked about having the PDA <br />prepare an annual report regarding the success of the Guidelines implementation and <br />other interests surrounding that. <br />Ms. Ott then noted the PDA and EVC recommended modifying the Guidelines and the <br />PMC such that approved hospitality - related CUPs in the Downtown hospitality area <br />would be forwarded to the Planning Commission for additional review only if a verifiable <br />violation has been reported to the Police Department or to Code Enforcement. <br />Finally, Ms. Ott indicated that following the Task Force's completion of the document <br />and the PDA's and EDC's review, staff considered whether the recommended <br />Guidelines had any CEQA implications. She stated that staff would like to have the <br />Commission's input regarding what noise standards should be applied for the <br />commercially -zoned residential units in the Downtown, given the City's noise standard <br />in residential areas during the evening hours of 60 dBA decibels and the proposed <br />Downtown Core Area and Transition Area standard of 70 dBA. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 12 of 35 <br />
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