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fall within any of these given uses, or it makes more noise — but this is something that <br />needs to be part of the definitions. <br />Ms. Ott replied that the Task Force had that discussion, especially in relation to the size <br />of event such as the number of attendees, and it depends on several factors: for <br />example, a certain kind of event might be comfortable with only 200 people whereas a <br />different kind of event might be comfortable with 2,000 people. She indicated that the <br />Task Force stopped short of putting a guideline on that. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired why, in light of the fact that the original discussions with <br />the Pleasanton Downtown Association which really emphasized security, the fifth <br />guideline on page 19 states "should" and not "shall." <br />Ms. Ott replied that the members wanted to make that determination based on what <br />kind of event it was. As an example, she stated that the Police Department might not <br />find it necessary to require event security for a chalk art on the street versus a different <br />kind of event where that security would be particularly important. <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that would be managed by the section at the end which <br />reads "as deemed necessary by City review." <br />Ms. Ott stated that was duly noted. She added that staff will go back and look at those <br />because the Task Force did have a lot of conversation about "should" and "shall," <br />specifically about trash management and recycling. She continued that for clarification <br />purposes, should that chalk event attract, say, 15,000 people, and City staff determined <br />private security is necessary, the City has the right to require it. She added that the City <br />is not going to have people in front of this Commission saying: "It says we should; it <br />doesn't say we must." <br />Ms. Ott then discussed the public comments received as well as the Pleasanton <br />Downtown Association (PDA) and the Economic Vitality Committee (EVC) comments on <br />the Guidelines. She indicated that after the Task Force completed its work, staff took <br />the Guidelines to both the PDA Board of Directors and the City's EVC. She noted that <br />both organizations are in alignment on the comments that they wanted to pass along to <br />the Planning Commission, including calling the document "Downtown Hospitality Policy' <br />instead of "Downtown Hospitality Guidelines," and slightly changing the map on page 6 <br />of the Guidelines that located the restaurants and bars. <br />Chair Pentin asked Ms. Ott to define "slightly' as he noted there is quite a big change <br />and a lot of words in the title with about three different specifications which just seems <br />very large. <br />Ms. Ott explained that those organizations felt that was a clearer and more <br />encompassing definition of what that map presented. She continued that on page 10 <br />regarding the good neighbor policy, the PDA and EVC would like to add the phrase <br />"after the close of business" in the third bullet. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 11 of 35 <br />