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based on that sound wall. He added that the requirement was that the Barone's did <br />have to purchase a noise meter and simply measure it but not record it. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that it might be helpful, as part of background, to have that <br />history of the Planning Commission's discussion and what it approved, as well as what <br />the City Council ultimately approved. <br />Commissioner O'Connor requested clarification of the dBA differences between the <br />chart of page 6 of the staff report and page 16 of Exhibit A. <br />Ms. Ott replied that the chart on page 6 of the staff report shows the changes <br />recommended by the Economic Vitality Committee and the Pleasanton Downtown <br />Association after the Task Force had made its recommendations. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if staff supports one or the other. <br />Ms. Ott replied that staff is simply presenting this information to the Commission. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that Ms. Ott mentioned that the Code is different and <br />inquired how this relates to the Code and if the Code that has been approved by the <br />City Council is being changed. <br />Ms. Ott replied that part of the implementation is a proposed Pleasanton Municipal <br />Code (PMC) amendment. She noted that this is included in the staff report and that <br />staff has highlighted the sections where amendments needed to be made. <br />Page 17 covers the commercial guidelines and review process for entertainment, <br />music, and bars for permitted uses, temporary conditional uses, and conditional <br />uses. <br />• Page 18 is where the introduction to the special events guidelines spelled out on <br />pages 19 and 20. Issues such as venues, security, safety, traffic flow and <br />circulation, parking, trash management and even notification of special events <br />are addressed. <br />Ms. Ott indicated that special events were another significant portion of <br />discussion early on at the Task Force meetings. She stated that there was a lot <br />of opinion about the number and sizes of events happening Downtown, but the <br />members focused on what guidelines needed to be in place to ensure that <br />special events were successful and met that balance the Task Force was striving <br />to achieve for both the residents and the Downtown. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that the Commission has had so many definitional problems <br />in the past and stated that the phrase "to the best of their ability' and the term "special <br />events" are far too vague without a clear understanding by everyone. He indicated that <br />he did not know what the criteria are — for example: over a certain size, or it does not <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 12, 2012 Page 10 of 35 <br />