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Larissa Seto stated that because the Planning Commission still went ahead and took <br />public hearing, the Commission can still take an action on the appeal submitted by the <br />Appellants, even though they were not able to come. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that with regard to the RV parking overnight, she heard <br />that the property owner or property management enforces that. She inquired if this is <br />something consistent with the PUD or can be a part of this to memorialize the appeal. <br />Ms. Seto replied that staff always works with property owners with regard to illegal <br />overnight parking, which is not part of an application in a commercial district to actually <br />have that as a use; overnight parking is not allowed. She explained that staff requires <br />the property owners to post the signs required by the California Vehicle Code to allow <br />them to call for towing of vehicles. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired if a vehicle parked overnight becomes an automatic tow <br />situation for Code Enforcement. <br />Ms. Seto replied that is correct. She added that staff could work with the property <br />owners or managers that they would be the ones responsible for this if they have <br />someone on -site to call. She noted that sometimes it becomes a bigger problem in <br />some private parking areas where the property owner or manager do not have a person <br />on -site; people then call the City and complain, and it is worked out through Code <br />Enforcement, or if the property owners or are aware, they or their agents can call the <br />towing company themselves. <br />Chair Pentin asked Commissioner Narum if she wanted this to be part of the PUD. <br />Commissioner Narum replied that her concern was whether or not the City would be <br />protected from a change in management, should the new property manager allow <br />overnight RV parking. She indicated that Ms. Seto had answered that question that the <br />City is protected. <br />Ms. Seto confirmed that was correct. She explained that it would be part of an <br />application, so staff would work with the property owner, whether it is the manager or <br />the owners, to make sure that is properly signed and enforced for towing. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired what the hours of operation are and if they were <br />comparable to those of the previous tenant. <br />Ms. Amos replied that from the research staff has done, throughout California, WalMart <br />typically operates from 6:00 a.m. to no later than 11:00 p.m. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 19, 2012 Page 13 of 15 <br />