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information, so there is really no basis in the record for the Commission to consider <br />anything other than rejecting that appeal. <br />Pat Ferguson stated that she was a user of the former Nob Hill store and was sad to <br />see it go. She noted that it was not too far away from where she worked in Pleasanton, <br />and the City gets a lot of sales tax from this shopping complex because it is right on the <br />way out of town. She indicated that she thinks the appeal exemplifies what is broken in <br />California and that something like this would not happen in Texas. She noted that the <br />economy is growing in Texas with so many jobs being created because Texas has a <br />part-time legislature that just meets every other year. <br />Ms. Ferguson stated that she is a small business owner and that she works with small <br />businesses, which is in no recovery. She indicated that she appreciated the <br />Commission's approval that will provide wonderful jobs. She noted that one thing <br />WalMart does is take a hard - working person with very little education and gives the <br />person the steps to advance far more than any union job could offer. She asked the <br />Commission not to let this kind of an appeal slow down the process that has been so <br />costly for not only the store coming in but also for the owners of the property. <br />Rob Schultz stated that he lives in the neighborhood since 2004. He indicated that he <br />shops based on the time of day, pricing, where he is at, and other types of errands. He <br />noted that he really used the Nob Hill store quite a bit and found the people to be very <br />friendly, so he was sad when Nob Hill had to go and was looking for another store to <br />come in. He stated that they now shop in other places as obviously, they still have to <br />get groceries. He noted that someone mentioned other people would lose out on <br />business and that probably the biggest one would be the Safeway store across in <br />Dublin. He indicated that he shopped there because it was convenient on his way <br />home from work, so basically any tax on items goes to Dublin. He added that he would <br />not mind having a WalMart Neighborhood Market in the center as he would have the <br />option to go there and keep whatever sales tax revenues here in the City to help the <br />community. <br />Mr. Foley thanked the public for showing up tonight and supporting the applicant. <br />Chair Pentin called on the Appellants and offered them one more opportunity to speak <br />tonight if they were in the room. <br />No response was received. <br />A lady from the audience inquired how the fact that the Appellants did not show up will <br />affect the hearing. <br />Chair Pentin replied that he does not believe that has any bearing on the fact that there <br />is an appeal. He referred the question to staff. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 19, 2012 Page 12 of 15 <br />