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Commissioner Blank inquired if, assuming the store closes at 11:00 p.m. but the <br />permitted use is until midnight, Nob Hill could have stayed open until midnight without <br />any application to the City. <br />Ms. Amos replied that was correct, as long as it is not a 24 -hour use. <br />Commissioner Blank moved to deny the appeal, thereby upholding the Director of <br />Community Development's determination that Neighborhood Market is a <br />supermarket permitted use allowed by the PUD, consistent with the General Plan <br />Land Use policies and programs, that the proposed hours of operation and <br />delivery limits are consistent with existing zoning approvals, and that the <br />operation without modification to the site, building exterior, or parking lot is a <br />properly issued zoning certificate. <br />Commissioner Narum seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he was going to vote to deny the appeal. He noted <br />that this will probably go to the City Council and that it would be great if there were a <br />similar turnout then. He noted that one of the speakers stated this is a simple issue, <br />and he agreed it is a simple issue. He emphasized that it is not about WalMart, it is not <br />about the union; it is about land use and permitted use. He added that there is no <br />question in his view that if a City Councilmember votes to uphold this appeal, it is an <br />irresponsible vote; it is a vote against Pleasanton, and it is a vote that does not <br />recognize the land use situation here. He indicated that he wanted to get that on the <br />record. <br />Commissioner Narum stated that she will be voting to deny the appeal. She noted the <br />Commissioner Olson could not have said it better, noting that this is just strictly about <br />the land use and probably one of the easiest ones she has seen come through where <br />is consistent. She added that there is nothing here to quibble about so she is happy tc <br />deny the appeal. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she agrees with everybody else. She indicated that <br />this is a permitted use, and there are no land use issues here. She noted that <br />everybody knows she probably has the most expansive view of the Planning <br />Commission's purview for being up here, and even she does not think that there are any <br />land use issues. She added that this is a political discussion happening in front of an <br />apolitical body, and she wished it had gone to the City Council first. She indicated that <br />she is voting to deny the appeal. <br />Commissioner Blank commented that it is just a little disappointing that the Appellants <br />were not present. <br />Chair Pentin concurred. He added that as was mentioned by some speakers, he was <br />also very disappointed that the Appellants were not here tonight to speak to explain why <br />they appealed this. He stated that this is a land use issue, at least in front of the <br />Planning Commission, and that he will also be supporting denial of the appeal. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 19, 2012 Page 14 of 15 <br />