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PC 031912
City of Pleasanton
PC 031912
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WalMart, he was able to go to school while being a manager. He noted that after he <br />graduated from UC Davis, he was able to travel around the nation, going to Los <br />Angeles, Houston, and Arkansas to learn about leadership and looking at all the other <br />competitors and markets. He indicated that what WalMart offers is really not just a job <br />but a career for young Pleasantonians and people coming from this area. <br />Mr. Wensky stated that he is really excited to see a new neighborhood market come to <br />Pleasanton and offer fresh and affordable groceries. He indicated that it will offer close <br />to 95 jobs, in addition to the 200 jobs at the other Pleasanton store where he started out <br />as a cashier. He added that he is really proud of what WalMart does in communities <br />and how WalMart is an important part of the community with its different grant <br />foundations for local community groups like the Tri- Valley Community Foundation and <br />local schools like Hearst Elementary. He asked the Commission to approve the project <br />and consider this new WalMart to be part of this community. <br />Linda Ross stated that she is from out of the area, Fremont, but that she came here <br />because she thinks individual property rights should be supported. She indicated that <br />when there is a blight area and people think that they should wait for something better, it <br />does not happen. She noted that Fremont has a lot of empty lots around her <br />neighborhood and thinks it is great that WalMart is coming to this piece of property. <br />She urged the Commission to take advantage of this opportunity and not have an empty <br />space. <br />Jaime Castro stated that he is from Dublin, not from Pleasanton, but that he noticed <br />over the years and really most currently, the energy and the recovery that the area is <br />going through. He indicated that he is a small business consultant and that something <br />is needed here for small businesses. He stated that he has seen some of his clients <br />lose not just their business but also their homes, and a couple clients take their own <br />lives. He added that he drives by this eyesore every day and wonders why, with <br />Pleasanton being so dynamic, this building has been empty for years. He noted that to <br />do anything to take away from this recovery would be a big, big mistake. He asked the <br />Commission to get on with it and continue with the synergy that has been created. <br />Judy Davidoff, Sheppard Mullin, representing WalMart, stated that the issue before the <br />Commission tonight is really a simple issue of whether or not this proposed use is <br />consistent with the zoning and prior approvals. She noted that City's staff, the Director <br />of Community Development, has determined that it is, and urged the Commission to <br />listen to its staff. She indicated that there is no doubt that WalMart will be a terrific <br />contributor to the City of Pleasanton, but the issue here is about the use and not the <br />user; the fact that it is Wal -Mart or another operator is not what is important but that the <br />use consistent with the regulatory approvals. <br />Ms. Davidoff stated that the appellants, in their notice of appeal, have provided the <br />Commission with no more than a very generalized statement that it is not consistent. <br />She noted that they obviously have not appeared here tonight and provided any further <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 19, 2012 Page 11 of 15 <br />
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