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Commission Blank moved to find that the projects would not have a significant <br />effect of the environment and that the exceptions to the Hacienda Transit - <br />Oriented Development (TOD) Standards and Design Guidelines as listed in the <br />staff report are appropriate for the two sites; to make that PUD findings for the <br />proposed Development Plans as listed in the staff report; and to recommend <br />approval to the City Council of (1) the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for <br />the projects, (2) the Development Agreement Amendment to extend the term of <br />the Development Agreement to five years from the date of approval of the two <br />Development Plans Cases PUD- 85- 08 -12D and PUD-81-30-86D, and to <br />, <br />incorporate approval of the development standards and design guidelines of the <br />Hacienda TOD Standards and Guidelines, Case P11 -0856, (3) Cases <br />PUD- 85- 08 -12D and PUD -81 -30 -86D Development Plans to construct two <br />mixed -use, high- density residential /commercials developments, subject to the <br />Conditions of Approval listed in Exhibit A -1 and Exhibit A -2 of the staff report. <br />Mr. Blank made a comment to the public that the Commission has seen these projects <br />extensively in two previous very detailed Workshops and that the Commission is not <br />going through these projects lightly. <br />Commissioner Pearce seconded the motion. <br />Chair Pentin requested that the changes to Exhibit A -1 and Exhibit A -2 as listed in <br />staff's memo be incorporated in the motion. <br />Commissioners Blank and Pearce accepted the amendment. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Blank, O'Connor, Olson, Pearce, and Pentin <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />RECUSED: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Narum <br />Resolutions Nos. PC- 2012 -13 recommending approval of the Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration, PC- 2012 -14 recommending approval of the Development Agreement <br />Amendment, PC- 2012 -15 recommending approval of Case PUD- 85- 08 -12D (Site 1), <br />and PC- 2012 -16 recommending approval of Case PUD -81 -30 -86D (Site 2) were <br />entered and adopted as motioned. <br />Commissioner Blank thanked BRE for going through the process and asked that it make <br />Mr. Paxson's request come true as quickly as possible. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 9 of 35 <br />