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written the condition in certain way. He indicated that this had to do with a change of <br />staffing at LAVTA, and there is a difference of opinion. He added that staff will need to <br />continue to work with LAVTA and is optimistic that this can be ultimately resolved. <br />(2) Condition No. 84 regarding the photovoltaic systems: This condition is written as if <br />staff is requiring the roofs of the residential projects to have full photovoltaics on them. <br />He indicated that is not the intention and is not a requirement. He added that the <br />applicant is putting a photovoltaic system on the common building areas, the leasing <br />center, and the recreation center, which would meet the City's solar requirement. He <br />indicated that this condition is incorrect and will be eliminated. <br />Commissioner Olson referred to page 20 of the staff report regarding school impacts <br />and inquired how this would be funded and if whoever is responsible for this funding has <br />been determined. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that there was a conversation between the applicant and the School <br />District and that it was his understanding is that there is an agreement between them. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if there was already an agreement as he did not want this <br />to be something that will bite the developer sometime in the future in terms of funding. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he was not certain it was in writing but that this is not required <br />until later in the project. He noted, however, that the applicant and the School District <br />have reached an agreement. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Bob Linder, applicant, stated that Mr. John Wayland from BRE and Mr. Irwin Yau, <br />project architect, are present tonight, and they would be happy to answer questions. He <br />indicated that he agrees with staff's report and that they have submitted revised plans. <br />Mr. Yau stated that he has the same PowerPoint presentation he has shown in the past <br />and that other than the slide requested at the Workshop that shows elevations with and <br />without trees, there is no new information that Mr. Dolan has not already covered. <br />James Paxson, General Manager of Hacienda Business Park, stated that on behalf of <br />the Park, he voiced very strong support for these two projects. He indicated that he has <br />been working with BRE for some time and was very pleased with what BRE has brought <br />forward. He noted that he has sent an approval letter to the City for BRE's projects. He <br />added that he is commending BRE, who was given quite a task of converging a lot of <br />divergent requirements, and has done it very well, resulting in two beautifully designed <br />projects. He stated that he was proud of BRE, was pleased to have its projects come to <br />the Park, and hopes that BRE breaks ground soon. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 8 of 35 <br />