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b. PUD -25, Mike Meyer and Carol Meyer, Greenbriar Homes Communities, Inc. <br />Work Session to review and receive comments on an application for <br />Planned Unit Development (PUD) rezoning and development plan to <br />construct 50 single - family, two -story homes and related improvements on <br />the approximately 194.7 -acre Lund Ranch II property located at 1500 Lund <br />Ranch Road, generally located east of the present end of Lund Ranch <br />Road. Zoning for the property is PUD— LDR /OS (Planned Unit Development <br />— Low Density Residential /Open Space) District. <br />Marion Pavan presented the staff report and described the scope, layout, and key <br />elements of the proposal <br />Commissioner Blank noted that one of the questions on the Discussion Points asks <br />whether manmade slopes that exceed a 25- percent grade should be allowed to be <br />developed or be excluded from development. He indicated that he was trying to <br />understand how demonstrative Measure PP was and inquired if it was 25- percent grade <br />or more or if it allowed exemptions. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that the 25- percent slope is a nominal value, which means 25 percent <br />up the slope is the limit. He noted that the exemptions that Measure PP speaks of refer <br />to developments of less than 10 lots or 10 units. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that Mr. Pavan's definition of "ridgeline" made a lot of sense <br />to him, but he was a little fuzzy on how the definition of "25 percent" was arrived at. He <br />inquired if there could be some discussion following the public testimony on how that <br />definition was arrived at and what its basis is. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that in discussions on the application of Measure PP, staff made a <br />comment that slopes over 25 percent typically become inherently more unstable for <br />geotechnical or other reasons. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired how one can determine when a slope is more than <br />25 percent, given that it is not expressed in degrees which can be measured in an <br />absolute fashion. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that it can actually be measured because a 25- percent slope is <br />another way of expressing a one -unit increase in height over a four -unit change or <br />increase in distance. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired what those units that are being used are. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that they can be feet. <br />Commissioner Olson added that it can be miles too. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 10 of 35 <br />