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approval of the development standards and design guidelines of the <br />Hacienda Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Standards and <br />Guidelines (P11- 0856). Zoning for the property is PUD -MU (Planned Unit <br />Development — Mixed Use) District. <br />Also consider the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />prepared for the projects (Site 1, PUD- 85- 08 -12D, and Site 2, <br />PUD- 81- 30 -86D). <br />Brian Dolan stated that his staff report will be brief and that he will not go through the <br />details of the projects as they has already been presented twice in the past. He noted <br />that one of the remaining issues that resulted from the Joint City Council/ Planning <br />Commission Joint Workshop involved the depth of the live /work configuration. He <br />indicated that a lot of suggestions were made at that Workshop, and the applicant <br />responded to that issue in a way that was discussed at the Workshop, essentially <br />extending the live /work space forward out to 40 feet, thereby creating additional square <br />footage in front of the live /work spaces without removing parking behind them. <br />Mr. Dolan stated all the slides on the projects' location, architecture, setting, and site <br />plan are available but that it would not be necessary to go through them as the <br />Commission is already familiar with those issues. He indicated, however, that he would <br />like to address one critical graphic submitted by the applicant on the revised plans <br />offering the 40 -foot depth. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that in one location, Building A, the setback from the diagonal parking <br />along Owens Drive would go down to 14 feet. He indicated that staff consulted with <br />urban design consultants, who thought that might be getting a little tight. He added that <br />instead of accepting the full 40 feet on the depth of the live /work space, staff mistakenly <br />stated in its recommendation that that this applies to both Buildings A and B. He noted <br />that this applies only to Building A as there is plenty of setback on Building B. He <br />further noted that this is the only change from the projects that the Commission has <br />seen in the past. He stated that the same thing is proposed on Site 2 and that staff is <br />accepting the full 40 feet on that location. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that in one corner on Building A, the setback would be at least 16 feet <br />instead of 14 feet, giving up two feet of depth in the live /work space. He indicated that it <br />is acceptable to have a 38 -foot depth in this live /work space as staff believes it can be <br />converted to retail should the market demand. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the only other matter he wanted to alert the Commission about <br />was some modifications made to the conditions, which staff was not able to provide to <br />the Commission earlier than tonight. He indicated that some of the conditions from the <br />standard conditions of approval were deleted because they do not apply here. He <br />added that two changes were of substantive nature: (1) Condition No. 16: Staff and the <br />applicant have been operating under the assumption that Livermore Amador Valley <br />Transit Authority (LAVTA) was agreeable to the elimination of the bus stop, so until very <br />recently since the conditions were produced for the Commission's packet, staff had <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 7 of 35 <br />