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THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS RE- OPENED. <br />Rian Gamble, representing the Applicant, stated that there have been some <br />conversations between the Church and the Homeowners Association. He indicated that <br />the intent was to have the agreement in place prior to this meeting, but the Church did <br />not get the information it needed on time. He stated that the Church is more than willing <br />to enter into some type of agreement with the Association and that the Association has <br />not approached the Church about the $5,000 mentioned earlier. He noted that the <br />Church's Stewardship and Operations Committee, which is its Finance Committee, is <br />actually meeting right now to determine the dollar amount. He added that he is unable <br />to confirm the dollar amount at this time. <br />Chair Pentin stated that it was fine. <br />Commissioner Blank indicated that the Commission is not interested in the amount. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that Commissioner Blank's motion was fine. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Blank, Olson, O'Connor, Pearce, and Pentin <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />RECUSED: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Narum <br />Resolution No. PC- 2012 -12 approving P11 -0953 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br />a. PUD- 85- 08 -12D and PUD- 81- 30 -86D and P11 -0856, BRE Properties <br />Applications for: (1) two PUD (Planned Unit Development) Development <br />Plan approvals to construct: (a) a mixed -use high- density <br />residential /commercial development containing 251 residential units, <br />4 live /work units, and approximately 5,700 square feet of retail space at <br />the property located at the southeast corner of Owens Drive and Willow <br />Road (PUD- 85- 08 -12D); and (b) a high- density residential development <br />containing 247 residential units, 4 live /work units, and a .55 -acre public <br />park at the property located at the northern corner of Gibraltar Drive and <br />Hacienda Drive (PUD- 81- 30 -86D); and (2) an amendment to the Phase I <br />and Phase II Development Agreements between the City of Pleasanton <br />and Prudential Insurance Company of America to: (a) extend the term <br />of the Development Agreement to five years from the date of approval of <br />the two Development Plans referenced above; and (b) incorporate <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 6 of 35 <br />