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differently to begin with and the burden was distributed the way the City thought fit at <br />that time. He noted that staff has always known there was a Church there, and the <br />Church is now asking for an extra entitlement that does not seem completely <br />unreasonable. He explained that it is difficult to know what the details would be without <br />really having been involved in the matter. <br />Chair Pentin stated that he was not intending for staff to negotiate the details but just to <br />state that an agreement had to be in place as a Condition of Approval. He added that <br />he does not mean to speak for the Commission, but one of the things the Commission <br />could do is vote to put this item on hold until the next meeting so staff can have the <br />chance to study the shared agreement. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he thinks the Commission's condition is fine and that he would <br />like to hear the applicant's response to it. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that the Association had the same request of the Senior <br />Adult Community and inquired how this has handled with that group.' <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he does not recall. <br />Commission Blank inquired if the item should be continued. <br />Ms. Amos advised that the applicant is present. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that if the applicant has no opposition to the condition, there would be <br />no reason to continue the item. <br />Commissioner Pearce inquired if there is a problem with attaching that condition to a <br />Conditional Use Permit, specifically regarding the school. She indicated that the only <br />thing the Commission is looking at tonight is the school and not the Church as a whole. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that he did not think it would be a problem. He indicated that staff <br />knew there was a dialogue going on, which would be a private agreement, and it <br />appears that decision time has come and that agreement did not come to fruition. <br />Commissioner Olson inquired if the Commission could simply say that they have to <br />deliver an agreement, with the City staying out of it. He stated that it could be just a <br />requirement for the approval, with the parties negotiating it and delivering a finished <br />agreement, but without the City's involvement in any negotiation. <br />Commissioner Blank suggested that the Chair consider reopening the Public Hearing to <br />hear from the Church, and if the Church is amenable to putting an agreement in place, <br />this would be a non - issue; but if the Church objects to it, then it would be a different <br />discussion. He explained that what he is interested in is whether or not the applicant is <br />interested in negotiating an agreement, as opposed to getting into whether it is $5,000, <br />or $6,000 or $4,000, which would be a matter between the parties. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 5 of 35 <br />