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Mr. Bauer said yes. He noted that he sees the people driving their kids to school and <br />running the stop signs. He added that almost 1,500 cars go down Junipero Street, and <br />he wonders if the street is designed for that. <br />Chair Pentin called for a break at 7:25 p.m. to allow staff to fix the technical problem <br />with the sound system, and thereafter, reconvened the regular meeting at 7:37 p.m. <br />Patricia Long stated that her property backs onto the proposed project site and she <br />wanted to formally register concerns over grading in the back because that hill has <br />already been cut in. She indicated that they have a pool and a retaining wall in place <br />and is very concerned about what goes in behind them; she would also like to make <br />sure that grading is carried out properly so that there is no damage to their site. She <br />added that she would like to maintain their quality of life and would like to have a <br />legitimate amount of space, such as a greenbelt, between their properties. She also <br />requested that a single -story house be placed behind her home to maintain privacy. <br />Ms. Long expressed concern about the traffic coming through her area. She indicated <br />that as it was mentioned that traffic through Junipero Street and Independence Drive <br />grows in the morning.. it also grows in the evening. She added that a lot of residents in <br />the neighborhood traveling through those streets have taken to slowing down to try to <br />keep that traffic at bay. <br />Justin Brown stated that he has lived in Pleasanton for about two - and -a -half years and <br />that his primary concern, as some have echoed, is traffic. He indicated that he does a <br />lot of walking around the neighborhood and sees people in the evening rolling the stop <br />signs and running up Junipero Street to Independence Drive to get to Livermore, and <br />doing the same in reverse in the mornings. He noted that he sees excessive speeding, <br />and the residents of the streets obviously tend to be the ones that stop at the stop signs, <br />and the non - residents tend to be the ones blowing through the stop signs. <br />Mr. Brown stated that he generally supports the position of the Ventana Hills Steering <br />Committee that the solution is not to discourage the use of Mission Hills Park, which is <br />always very well occupied. He indicated that there is a lot of safety concerns with a lot <br />of parked cars along the road and lots of kids walking across. He added that he has a <br />two - and -a -month old baby and he wants to make sure that he can preserve his access <br />to the park and not have to worry about an increase in traffic. He stated that another <br />major concern of his is the past agreements to route the traffic to the east in order to <br />access the highway and the increase in traffic down Junipero Street to go to Safeway <br />and Raley's. He added that he finds it deeply concerning that traffic really was not <br />mentioned in the staff report, especially since it is one of the primary concerns of the <br />general public and all the neighbors behind him. <br />Vicki LaBarge stated that she has lived in Pleasanton for 28 years and watched the <br />development in Ventana Hills go up. She indicated that Ventana Hills was never <br />supposed to come down Junipero Street but it does, and Mission Drive was supposed <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 16 of 35 <br />