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PC 031412
City of Pleasanton
PC 031412
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Mr. Cordtz proposed that a barrier be installed, like the rest of the developments have <br />had, which are due to the man -made cuts from those developments. He indicated that <br />he does not care to see the two -story, 4,700- square -foot houses on the lots right behind <br />his going 40 feet up in the air. He asked the Commission to take that into consideration. <br />John Bauer stated that he lives in the Ventana Hills community and works in the <br />industrial portion of Sonoma Drive. He indicated that he often walks to work, so he is <br />very familiar with his neighbor's comments regarding the existing traffic going down <br />Junipero. Street. He noted that of the 32 comments received by staff, 30 related to <br />existing traffic, and he did not see in any of the presentations where the City Traffic <br />Engineering weighed in on the subject. He pointed out from the information he <br />requested and received from Traffic Engineering staff that data points were collected <br />right by the stop signs at San Antonio and Junipero Streets, using a benchmark of <br />33 miles per hour. He emphasized that approximately 100 feet from the stop sign, <br />225 vehicles out of 1,500 trips per day, or 15 percent of the traffic, exceed 33 miles per <br />hour, which is 30 percent greater than the posted speed limit. <br />Mr. Bauer stated that, as his neighbors have attested to in their comments, there is <br />currently a total disregard for the two stop signs in the area, the one at a controlled <br />intersection and the S -turn going through the park where he lives. He noted that he <br />believes the problem is not necessarily the number of cars but the disregard in this <br />behavior of cut - through traffic as well as the current people using the street. He added <br />that he would not have a problem if the homeowners of the proposed homes come <br />through Junipero Street and in front of his house, all travelling at 15 miles per hour and <br />stopping at the stop signs. He suggested that Traffic Engineering Department weigh in <br />on this subject and possibly look at alternatives, such as at the Bernal Avenue /Sunol <br />Boulevard intersection. He questioned why people are coming through their <br />neighborhood, making a left turn from Bernal Avenue onto Independence Drive, and <br />racing down Independence Drive and then down Junipero Street. <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked Mr. Bauer if he is experiencing this amount of traffic and <br />these speeds where he lives, and if it is greater in the morning when the cut - through <br />traffic would be happening. <br />Mr. Bauer replied that as he sits in his front yard with his dog in the morning with a view <br />directly across the park, he sees people racing down three or four cars at a time, so <br />obviously they are taking a left off of Bernal, racing down Independence Drive, probably <br />running the stop sign at Independence Drive and Junipero Street, racing through the <br />S -turns at an exceedingly aggressive speed in front of his house, and racing down <br />Junipero Street. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired if this is a bigger problem and more profound in the <br />morning with the cut - through traffic as opposed to the rest of the day. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 15 of 35 <br />
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