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City of Pleasanton
PC 031412
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to be the primary route; Junipero Street was never built as a through street, and now it <br />will be subject to more cars. <br />Ms. LaBarge stated that she never received any notice in the mail inviting her to attend <br />a meeting where they could express their concerns about the traffic. She encouraged <br />the Commission and staff to come to her house and have coffee with her at 7:00 a.m. to <br />see the traffic that comes down her street until about 9:00 a.m. when all the moms have <br />dropped off their kids; and then come back between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to have <br />iced tea and dinner and again watch the speeders come down her street. She stated <br />that she has taken her own test movement, purposely backing out of her driveway and <br />drive 15 miles per hour down her street during busy times in an attempt to try and slow <br />down the traffic. She added that she has summoned the Police Department to come <br />and sit on Junipero Street to monitor the traffic and issue citations. She noted that the <br />problem is that the Police Department has decided that the best place to park is at the <br />stop sign, but people tend to not speed up when they approach a stop sign. <br />Ms. LaBarge stated that they do not need more speeding traffic on Junipero Street. <br />She indicated that they have some options: (1) Speed bumps, which they have <br />discussed with the City Council about ten years ago. She indicated that they do not <br />want to put speed bumps as it is a hazard to the Fire Department, and they do not want <br />to have any kind of restriction with the Fire Department trying to get to their homes. <br />(2) Additional stop signs. The two stop signs on Junipero Street, which was a dead -end <br />street years ago and was never even supposed to intersect with Sunol Boulevard, were <br />installed because of the Junipero Street residents' complaints about the speeding traffic. <br />(3) Junipero Street could be made a non — through- traffic street like Dolores Drive. She <br />requested the Planning Commission to take a serious look at the traffic on Junipero <br />Street and come up with an alternative solution. <br />Andy Albritten stated that he has been a Pleasanton resident since 1988 and an original <br />member of the Ventana Hills Steering Committee, was part of the negotiation in 1991 <br />with Shapell Homes and the City in connection with the Bonde Homes development <br />process, and a signee to the letters in 2003 and in 2011 to the Planning Commission. <br />He indicated that the majority of concerns they have are that the traffic coming through <br />their neighborhood was never intended to go through there. He stated that he has been <br />receiving communication from the developer, as Mr. Meyer said, but it has all been <br />unilateral. He noted that when the residents said that there has been an agreement <br />with the neighbors, Mr. Meter replied that was then and this is now; and when the <br />residents said there is a problem with traffic, Mr. Meyer said it does not matter. He <br />expressed concern that there is a unilateral communication going on, that this is the <br />plan, this is the way it is going to be, and this is the way we are going to push it through. <br />Mr. Albritten stated that he has neighbors in Sycamore Park, Mission Hills Park, and <br />down Junipero Street who have expressed the same concerns. He indicated that it is <br />Tike a funnel, with all the traffic from his neighborhood going through Junipero Street <br />down to Raley's, to the Middle School, and to the Elementary School. He added that <br />that the traffic coming down Junipero Street through Independence Drive and Lund <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 17 of 35 <br />
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