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right -of -way on the Lund Ranch property in order to meet an agreement they made with <br />the neighbors at that time. He noted that this right -of -way was never secured, and in <br />the applicants' meetings with neighbors in Bonde Ranch, the neighbors have indicated <br />their preference to continue their access to their homes through Ventana Hills. <br />Mr. Meyer indicated that they support this request. He then pointed out that on page 22 <br />of the staff report, it states that Lund Ranch II was never part of the North Sycamore <br />Specific Plan area. <br />Mr. Meyer then introduced Carol Meyer, co -owner of the company, and several <br />professionals who are available to answer questions: Chris Kinzel from TJKM, project <br />traffic engineer; Mark Falgout from RJA, project civil engineer; and Chris Cebrian, <br />project attorney. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that Mr. Meyer mentioned the high quality of the homes that <br />Greenbriar would be building and inquired how much the homes would sell for. <br />Mr. Meyer replied that he did not know for sure, given the market since 2005 or 2006 to <br />today, but he could give a reference point. He stated that the Greenbriar homes, with <br />their lot sizes, compared to a house of the same size in the immediately adjacent <br />neighborhood, would likely sell for at least 10 percent more. <br />Commissioner O'Connor commented that with reference to Greenbriar's list of outreach, <br />there appears to be about six community meetings, not counting the private meetings <br />with the Mayor and Councilmembers. He indicated that he attended the first meeting <br />and signed up to receive any correspondence on any future meetings, and he received <br />information for only one additional meeting, which he attended and at which he again <br />signed up for notification of future meetings. He asked Mr. Meyer to pay closer <br />attention to how Greenbriar's outreach is done because he knows he was not invited to <br />the other four meetings although he was on the notification list. <br />Mr. Meyer apologized and indicated that he certainly thought Commissioner O'Connor <br />was invited. <br />Commissioner O'Connor stated that having attended two of the meetings, he believes <br />he had enough input, but there are probably a lot of people in the community who <br />signed up and did not get invited as well, which would be a concern. <br />Greg Cordtz stated that his property backs to the proposed development and that <br />looking out of his backyard, he can see at eye level, a 15 -foot cut into the hill in the <br />Ventana Hills development. He noted that Greenbriar is proposing both single- and <br />two -story homes and expressed concern about having a 45 -foot wall behind his home. <br />He asked if his understanding is correct that Measure PP provides that areas where <br />there have been man - grading are exempt. <br />Commissioner O'Connor replied that he thinks that has not yet been determined. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 14 of 35 <br />