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PC 031412
City of Pleasanton
PC 031412
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Community Center, for open space, parks, and other recreational purposes. He noted <br />that members of the Greenbriar family have been involved with and donated to various <br />local organizations, including the Pleasanton PTA Council's Reflections Program, the <br />Tri- Valley Community Foundation, and the Pleasanton Partnerships in Education <br />Foundation. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that they are pleased to be in front of the Commission this evening to <br />bring forward this new community at Lund Ranch. He noted that things had changed <br />since their original application way back in 2003, and they wanted to know what the <br />community was thinking; so in 2009, they began community outreach by hosting a pair <br />of community meetings, mailing invitations to 900 households including Sycamore <br />Heights, Bridle Creek, Ventana Hills, Bonde Ranch, and everywhere in between, <br />including all the Junipero area. He continued that from that feedback, they created a <br />site plan of 53 homes and hosted an open house in 2011 to show the community a plan <br />that reflected the neighborhood comments of preserving open space, minimal <br />development, pre- determined house sizes, and respect for the Hillside Ordinances. He <br />added that they sent another 900 pieces of mail inviting the community to the open <br />house, and based on the feedback of the first meetings, also placed ads in the <br />Pleasanton Weekly. He noted that at that time, they promised another meeting to show <br />the house designs themselves so the community could see that the very- high - quality <br />homes being proposed would fit within their neighborhood. He indicated that they also <br />created a virtual open house on the Web showing the same exhibit so that anybody who <br />was unable to attend the meetings could see them anytime. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that in August 2011, they held yet another open house showing the <br />53 -home plan again along with the house designs; and again they placed an ad in the <br />Pleasanton Weekly and dropped off flyers at the homes in Ventana Hills and Bonde <br />Ranch. He added that since those meetings, they have met in smaller groups with the <br />Middleton Place neighbors, the Ventana Hills Steering Committee, and with individual <br />neighbors directly adjacent to Lund Ranch. He noted that the vast majority of the <br />comments received have been positive, specifically commending them for their <br />communication and outreach efforts, the small development footprint, the large amount <br />of open space and publically accessible trails, and the beautiful homes. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that the plan before the Commission tonight is now down to 50 homes, <br />a substantial reduction from the original plan of 149 homes. He indicated that it was the <br />original concern they met, the passage of Measure PP, and the feedback from the <br />community meetings that led them to rework the site plan and street connections to <br />create an environmentally sensitive plan with a small footprint that would preserve most <br />of the land for open space and publically accessible trails, building on the flattest part of <br />the property that is currently accessed from Lund Ranch Road, the historical entrance to <br />the property for about 90 years. <br />Mr. Meyer then addressed a few issues that have been raised by the Ventana Hills <br />Steering Committee regarding access. He stated that on page 21 in the staff report, it <br />states that Shapell Homes agreed in the early 1990's to use its best efforts to secure <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 13 of 35 <br />
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