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Commissioner Blank stated that this is exactly his point. He inquired what units the City <br />is using to make this determination. He noted, for example, that one might get a <br />different answer using centimeters versus kilometers. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that it was based on a review of the applicant's grade and slope <br />analysis map, which was expressed in two -foot contour lines. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired if the City has done any independent work to corroborate <br />this. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that staff did. <br />Mr. Dolan concurred. He stated that before the applicant did the map, they asked what <br />staff would recommend; staff thought that would work, and the applicant followed <br />through and did the work. which staff then checked. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired if there was any consideration given to having that work <br />peer- reviewed by an independent third party other than the City, given the sensitivity of <br />this whole issue. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that it could be done. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that in Exhibit D, City Council staff report on the "Analysis of <br />the Impacts and Effects of the `Save Pleasanton's Hills and Housing Cap Initiative," the <br />first paragraph of page 1 refers to slopes greater than 25 percent, and the second <br />paragraph refers to slopes of 25 percent or greater. He indicated that there is a slight <br />difference between the two and that needs to be cleared up. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that that is a good point and inquired what Measure PP <br />states. <br />Commissioner Olson replied that he did not know and was going to ask, but it is either <br />one or the other; it cannot be both. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that Measure PP says 25 percent or greater. <br />Commissioner O'Connor referred to the areas within a lot that are over 25 percent and <br />inquired what the reason was for wanting to include those within the homeowner's <br />ownership, particularly on the two large estate lots, if there is a condition on them that <br />they cannot be graded. <br />Mr. Pavan replied that he would defer to the developer to answer that question. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that the 2008 analysis of Measure PP indicates that a <br />methodology needs to be established to define a measure of slope. She noted that the <br />only other discussion the Commission has had regarding this was the Hana Japan <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 14, 2012 Page 11 of 35 <br />