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GETAC AND FEDEX TECHCONNECT: INNOVATING RUGGED SUPPORT SERVICES <br /> WHITE PAPER <br /> disruption and potentially lost revenues can scale significantly. According to VDC's research, failure rates of rugged devices is <br /> between 2-5% annually - which is significantly lower than the 15%+ failure rate experienced by non-rugged devices for similar <br /> applications. It is what happens with these devices when they fail and how quickly an operational unit can be returned to the user <br /> is what separates leaders in this industry. <br /> Service Quality, Efficiency and Reliability Central to an Effective Service Strategy <br /> Support services represent an Achilles heel for many mobile vendors. Vendors have contributed to this with frequent shifts to their <br /> service strategies and overall inconsistency in its execution, Consequently,among end users of rugged mobile computers, the gap <br /> in rating between "importance" and "satisfaction" is highest in comparison to other criteria and capabilities. One of the most <br /> important service support requirements - yet also one of the lowest rated - is turnaround time. Contributing to logistics efficiency <br /> is coverage. Rugged mobile devices are often used in some of the most remote locations making sending them into a service <br /> center a potential challenge <br /> Level of Satisfaction in Mobile Maintenance Services <br /> (1=Extremely dissatisfied and 10=Extremely satisfied) <br /> Quality of Service <br /> Value for Investment <br /> Pricing <br /> Delivers on a Timely Basis <br /> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 <br /> FedEx TechConnect: Well Aligned to Support Priority Repair Requirements <br /> FedEx has been a pioneer in the use of mobile and wireless solutions to support its logistics operations. From handheld devices <br /> used by delivery drivers to supporting fleet management and maintenance applications these solutions are deeply integrated into <br /> the Fed Ex's core processes. For almost 30 years the company's certified technicians have developed, repaired, refurbished and <br /> upgraded its own technology, including notebooks, handheld devices, barcode scanners and pnnters. FedEx is commercializing <br /> this capability and as FedEx TechConnect will deliver it as a new line of business. <br /> FedEx's logistics infrastructure and the service and maintenance capabilities of FedEx TechConnect represent a powerfu• <br /> combination. With a FedEx location within five miles of every zip code and the network of 1800 retail locations accessing a FedEx <br /> location to ship a product is seamless. Moreover,with the service center virtually located at"the end of the runway"at their hub in <br /> Memphis, FedEx TechConnect has a distinct advantage on the amount of time it has to service a "priority return". In other words, <br /> the last shipment to the FedEx service center can leave as late at midnight. Product is delivered to the service center at 4am while <br /> the last shipment out of the service is close to midnight leaving up to 19 hours for FedEx TechConnect to service and repair the <br /> product. For products that need to be serviced and returned with 24 hours this represents a distinct advantage for FedEx <br /> TechConnect and its partners such as Getac. <br /> 1 508 83.9000 111F /1111P-- <br />