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2014 Presentations to BPTC <br /> On April 28, 2014, staff presented the 100% plans to the BPTC. The plans as presented <br /> included converting Vineyard Avenue between Mingoia/Heinz Ranch Court and Machado <br /> Court to a trail as called out in the Specific Plan. The report and presentation included <br /> the following comment from the City's Traffic Engineer: <br /> "As part of the Vineyard Avenue Specific Plan and the Update to the General Plan, <br /> the City of Pleasanton Traffic Engineering Division reviewed the closure of Old <br /> Vineyard Avenue and the access and egress at the proposed, newly realigned <br /> Vineyard Avenue intersections. It was determined that the intersection design and <br /> capacity was sufficient to support the existing and proposed residential homes and <br /> other land uses along the Vineyard Corridor. Upon opening the new Vineyard <br /> Avenue alignment, Traffic Engineering staff measured existing sight distance, <br /> roadways speeds, and drivers' ability to find acceptable gaps in traffic to access <br /> Vineyard Avenue. Sufficient sight distance and acceptable gaps in traffic exist to <br /> safely enter/exit Vineyard Avenue from Safreno Way. A review of traffic collision <br /> history from the time of the roadway opening in 2006 through March 1, 2014 <br /> reflects that zero accidents have been recorded at the intersection, with the <br /> nearest accident occurring 288 feet west of the intersection (12/25/06 where a <br /> vehicle ran off the road at 10:00 PM hitting a fixed object)." <br /> At the meeting, Traffic Engineering staff also indicated that they believe the intersection <br /> of Vineyard Avenue and Safreno Way can safely accommodate all traffic after the old <br /> roadway is closed between Mingoia/Heinz Ranch Court and Machado Court, but also <br /> committed to continue monitoring the intersection to determine if traffic necessitated the <br /> need for additional traffic control such as traffic signals. <br /> Even with these comments from Traffic Engineering, some residents of the area remained <br /> concerned about closing the section of Old Vineyard from Mingoia/Heinz Ranch Court to <br /> Machado Court. However, one resident at the meeting stated that they bought their home <br /> expecting the road to be closed and the trail to be constructed, indicating this information <br /> was disclosed to them. They expressed that they were glad that it is finally happening. <br /> Staff has also heard similar comments from other homeowners in this area saying that <br /> this information had been disclosed to them before they bought their property. <br /> 2014 Presentations to Parks and Recreation Commission <br /> On May 8, 2014, staff presented the 100% trail plan to the Parks and Recreation <br /> Commission (PRC) as requested by the BPTC. The PRC was supportive of constructing <br /> the trail project, excluding the trail segment between Mingoia/Heinz Ranch Court and <br /> Machado Court. The PRC and some members of the public expressed a desire to have <br /> this trail segment reconsidered and designed to include both vehicles and trail uses. Staff <br /> had previously investigated this possibility and described to the Commission the findings <br /> of an October 21, 2008 City Council staff report that determined a grove of existing Walnut <br /> Trees would need to be removed to facilitate both uses. City Council did not support the <br /> removal of the trees in 2008. <br /> The Parks and Recreation Commission then asked how the limits of the trail could be <br /> altered. Staff informed the Commission that in order to alter the trail limits, an amendment <br /> Page 3of6 <br />