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to the VCSP would need to be processed through the Planning Department. A resident <br /> subsequently filed an application for an amendment, but then withdrew the application. It <br /> is not known why the application was withdrawn. The public was also advised that another <br /> opportunity to express their comments and concerns would be at the City Council meeting <br /> of July 15, 2014, when the project was scheduled to be presented to the City Council <br /> recommending the construction award. The area residents were told that the section of <br /> trail between Mingoia/Heinz Ranch and Machado Court would be an Additive Bid item, <br /> and that the City Council could choose to award only the Base Bid (the trail between <br /> Vineyard Terrace and Mingoia/Heinz Ranch), or could award both the Base Bid and the <br /> Additive Bid. <br /> 2014 Construction Bid <br /> The project was advertised for construction bid in May 2014. The plans divided the work <br /> into the less contentious and much larger section of the trail from Vineyard Terrace to <br /> Mingoia/Heinz Ranch Court. It should be noted that although this section of trail was much <br /> less contentious, many meetings had occurred with residents and property owners along <br /> this stretch, addressing concerns regarding driveway and roadway crossings over the <br /> planned trail. After these meetings the property owners along this section were supportive <br /> of the trail. <br /> However, after the project was bid, but before it was presented to City Council for award <br /> in 2014, the developer of the Chrisman property (Three Oaks) approached the City and <br /> requested the project again be delayed so they could access their project from the old <br /> roadway in order to minimize construction disturbance to the surrounding neighborhood. <br /> Grading plans for the Three Oaks project required that several thousand cubic yards of <br /> soil be off-hauled and if they couldn't use the old roadway they would have to truck the <br /> soil through existing residential streets; Rollings Hills Drive or Silver Oaks Lane. Due to <br /> this significant trucking operation it was determined that the trail project should be delayed <br /> until the completion of the Three Oaks development. <br /> 2017 Resident Communications <br /> In early 2017, the City notified all owners and residents within 500 feet of the trail project <br /> that the City would again be moving forward with the project as planned in 2014, and <br /> would be hosting a neighborhood meeting to discuss the details of the project. On March <br /> 2, 2017, City staff presented the project to the approximately twenty five residents that <br /> attended the neighborhood meeting. The meeting summary is included in this report as <br /> Attachment 2. The presentation provided background on the project, described the trail <br /> alignment, and discussed the schedule and project impacts. The majority of the residents <br /> were in support of the project with some neighbors excited about closing off Old Vineyard <br /> so that the night time drag racing that currently occurs would stop. Other residents <br /> expressed the same concern about the safety of the Safreno WayNineyard Avenue <br /> intersection, the newly opened Rolling Hills Road/trail intersection, and the additional <br /> traffic from the new housing developments. <br /> Subsequent to the meeting, some residents expressed their concerns to the Mayor and <br /> City Council via an email, stating that they opposed accessing their neighborhood from <br /> Safreno Way once the section of old roadway between Mingoia/Heinz Ranch Court and <br /> Machado Court was closed. In response, the Traffic Engineering division conducted a <br /> Page 4 of 6 <br />