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F I R STCA R B O N Proposal <br /> SOLUTIO \S''' <br /> method,and Alameda County and the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) <br /> require use of HCM 2010 method. <br /> The impact analysis will be conducted for the following scenarios for up to 5 intersections and 10 <br /> roadway segments: <br /> O Scenario 1: Existing Conditions—Existing volumes obtained from traffic counts and the existing <br /> roadway system configuration. <br /> o Scenario 2:Existing Plus Project without Bypass Road—Existing volumes obtained from traffic <br /> counts and the existing roadway system configuration plus traffic estimated for the Project.The <br /> roadway system is the same as Scenario 1. <br /> o Scenario 3: Existing Plus Project with Bypass Road—Existing volumes obtained from traffic counts <br /> and the existing roadway system configuration plus traffic estimated for the Project.This scenario <br /> would consider construction of the bypass road and potential traffic shifts associated with the <br /> new roadway. <br /> o Scenario 4:Existing Plus Approved Projects(EPAP) No Project Conditions—Existing traffic plus <br /> traffic that could be generated by approved projects in the area. For study locations along Sunol <br /> Boulevard,we will use the City's EPAP forecasts. For study locations within the neighborhood area, <br /> we will confer with the project team regarding approved projects that could increase traffic <br /> through the neighborhood. <br /> o Scenario 5: EPAP Plus Project without Bypass Road—Traffic volumes from Scenario 4 plus traffic <br /> estimated for the Project.The roadway system is the same as Scenario 4. <br /> G Scenario 6: EPAP Plus Project with Bypass Road—Traffic volumes from Scenario 4 plus traffic <br /> estimated for the Project.This scenario would consider construction of the bypass road and <br /> potential traffic shifts associated with the new roadway. <br /> o Scenario 7: Far-Term (Cumulative) No Project Conditions—Projected traffic volumes and the <br /> projected roadway system using the City of Pleasanton Travel Demand Model.The traffic forecasts <br /> include Approved and Pending projects, in addition to build out of land uses consistent with the <br /> General Plan and adopted Housing Element. Roadway improvements to assume in this scenario <br /> will be discussed with City Staff. Similar to the analysis of EPAP conditions,we will confer with City <br /> staff regarding the level of development to assume within the neighborhood for the analysis of <br /> cumulative conditions. <br /> • Scenario 8: Far-Term(Cumulative) Project Conditions without Bypass Road—Traffic volumes <br /> from Scenario 7 plus changes from development of the Project.The roadway system is the same <br /> as Scenario 7. <br /> NORTH AMERICA I EUROPE I AFRICA I AUSTRALIA I ASIA 13 <br /> FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM <br />