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FIRSTCARBON Proposal <br /> SOLOTION5 <br /> Operational Noise Impact Analysis <br /> A quantitative assessment of noise impacts from project-specific and cumulative vehicular traffic trips <br /> will be performed.Transportation noise in the project area is primarily associated with traffic along <br /> Happy Valley Road,Alisal Street,and Westbridge Lane. Traffic noise impacts will be assessed using the <br /> FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108). Required model input data include without- <br /> and with-project average daily traffic volumes on adjacent roadway segments,day/night percentages of <br /> autos, medium and heavy trucks,vehicle speeds,ground attenuation factors, and roadway widths. <br /> Projections of the future traffic Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) along selected roadway <br /> segments, based on the traffic study to be prepared for the project,will be provided in a table format to <br /> show the distance/contour relationship. <br /> Potential long-term operational noise impacts from project-related stationary noise sources, such as new <br /> residential mechanical ventilation system operations,will also be evaluated. <br /> Summarize Noise Reductions and Significance Findings <br /> Mitigation measures designed to reduce short-and long-term noise impacts will be identified where <br /> appropriate. Both an evaluation of the potential mitigation measures and a discussion of their <br /> effectiveness will be provided.This technical analysis for potential noise impacts will be directly <br /> incorporated into the EIR,with noise monitoring readouts and modeling data being placed in the <br /> Appendices.This task does not include the preparation of a separate, standalone technical noise study. <br /> Task 3.E:Traffic Analysis <br /> Study Assumptions <br /> Fehr&Peers will prepare an assumptions memorandum detailing proposed transportation analysis <br /> assumptions.This task will include estimates of project trip generation,trip distribution, analysis <br /> scenarios and locations,forecasting parameters, and significance criteria for review and comment by the <br /> project team prior to the commencement of the technical analysis. Analysis scenarios will include an <br /> evaluation of conditions with and without the proposed bypass roadway is it is unclear if this roadway is <br /> feasible. <br /> Data Collection <br /> Based on the analysis locations identified in Task 1, Fehr& Peers will retain a traffic count data collection <br /> firm to collect 72-hours of roadway segment count data at up to 10 locations and peak period <br /> intersection turning movement counts at up to 5 locations. We will conduct field reconnaissance to <br /> document the existing roadway network and observe roadway and intersection operations. <br /> Impact Analysis <br /> The intersection peak hour level of service at each study intersection will be calculated using the 2000 <br /> and 2010 Highway Capacity Manual method. The City of Pleasanton requires use of the HCM 2000 <br /> NORTH AMERICA I EUROPE I AFRICA 1 AUSTRALIA I ASIA 12 <br /> FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM <br />