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FIRS1'CARBON Proposal <br /> S O LU T I O N S ' <br /> emissions. However, it should be noted that BAAQMD's construction thresholds only apply to exhaust- <br /> related PM10 and PM25.The average daily construction-related criteria pollutant and ozone precursor <br /> (ROG and NOX) emissions estimates will be compared with BAAQMD's thresholds of significance. <br /> Following construction of the proposed project, long-term operational emissions would be generated by <br /> the proposed resident's area-, energy-, and mobile-source emissions. FCS will rely on vehicle trip <br /> generation data from the traffic study to model mobile source emissions,while area-and energy-source <br /> emissions will be modeled using CaIEEMod. Long-term daily operational emissions will also be compared <br /> with BAAQMD's thresholds of significance to determine impacts. FCS will prepare a Request for <br /> Information (RFI)detailing all project construction and operational parameters required to perform the <br /> modeling. In the case that project-specific information is not available at the time of the analysis, FCS will <br /> work with the project applicant to develop reasonable assumptions, or use CaIEEMod defaults. It should <br /> be noted that default assumptions typically result in conservative results in order to avoid <br /> underestimating emissions when project-specific information is unknown. Following finalization of <br /> model assumptions through the RFI, major changes to the project features, design,schedule or other <br /> parameters)that precipitate revisions to the emissions modeling may warrant a budget augment. <br /> Greenhouse gas emissions associated with construction and operation of the project will also be <br /> estimated using CaIEEMod. For the GHG analysis,CaIEEMod estimates GHG emissions in units of metric <br /> tons of carbon dioxide equivalent(MT CO2e),which accounts for the global warming potential of GHGs <br /> such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. FCS will use BAAQMD or other applicable thresholds <br /> of significance to evaluate the project's construction and operational GHG emissions. In addition, FCS <br /> will analyze the project's consistency with the City of Pleasanton's Climate Action Plan as required by <br /> CEQA.The analysis will also address the recent State Supreme Court ruling on the Newhall Ranch <br /> project.Changes to the project that occur after completing the modeling analysis that require re- <br /> modeling will be considered additional work that is not covered by this scope of work. <br /> Assess Odor Exposure <br /> The analysis will assess odor exposure to nearby residents.The discussion will compare the project to <br /> the screening criteria and buffer distances prescribed by BAAQMD and the California Air Resources <br /> Board (ARB). FCS will provide a qualitative analysis of the project's potential to generate an odor impact. <br /> Based on the project land uses (i.e., residential), it is not anticipated that the project would result in an <br /> odor impact. <br /> Assess Carbon Monoxide Hotspot Impacts <br /> FCS will use the BAAQMD's screening criteria for carbon monoxide(CO) hotspots,which is anticipated to <br /> be sufficient to dismiss any potential impacts. However, in the case that potential CO hotspots are <br /> identified, FCS will use dispersion modeling to quantify impacts according to BAAQMD guidance under a <br /> revised scope of work and budget. Quantitative CO Hotspot modeling would be considered additional <br /> services, if required. <br /> NORTH AMERICA I EUROPE I AFRICA I AUSTRALIA I ASIA 6 <br /> FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM <br />