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\ i <br /> FIRSTCARBON Proposal <br /> S0LUTI0 \S <br /> Construction-Related Health Risk Assessment <br /> Based on the area of land to be disturbed, land uses developed, and proximity to sensitive receptors, FCS <br /> anticipates that a construction-related Health Risk Assessment(HRA)will be necessary to evaluate the <br /> project's construction-related toxic air contaminant (TAC)emissions. FCS will be prepare a construction <br /> HRA based on the recommended BAAQMD's Health Risk Assessment Guidelines (HRA Guidelines) <br /> (BAAQMD 2016)and Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's(OEHHA) Risk Assessment <br /> Guidelines (OEHHA 2015).The following tasks will be required for the construction HRA: <br /> FCS will perform the following tasks as part of this analysis. <br /> o Define what a sensitive receptor is and identify nearby sensitive receptors. <br /> o Identify health risk standards and acceptable cancer and acute and chronic non-cancer risk <br /> thresholds from diesel emissions that are detailed in BAAQMD's thresholds of significance. <br /> o The following subtasks will be utilized to perform the construction-related HRA: <br /> - Calculate the on-site construction equipment diesel equipment PM25 and total organic gases <br /> emissions rates that were calculated in the Air Quality Analysis prepared for the proposed <br /> project. <br /> - Calculate the daily construction truck trip estimates used in the Air Quality Analysis and <br /> calculate each truck trip's PM25 emissions rates through use of the EMFAC2014 model. <br /> - Model the diesel PM2.5 concentrations at representative nearby sensitive receptors associated <br /> with the on-site construction equipment and off-site truck emissions up to 1,000 feet from the <br /> project site through utilization of the ISCST3 model,the emissions rates provided in the previous <br /> steps and the methodology described in the HRA Guidelines. <br /> - Utilize the prior subtask's calculated toxic air emission levels,to calculate the cancer risk and the <br /> chronic and acute non-cancer health impacts at the nearby sensitive receptors from the <br /> proposed construction site. <br /> The results of the HRA will be incorporated in the EIR,while detailed methodology, assumptions, and <br /> other technical modeling data will be included in the appendix of the EIR. <br /> Significance Findings/Mitigation Measures <br /> FCS will make a significance finding before and after mitigation for potential impacts. If the project <br /> exceeds criteria pollutant or GHG thresholds of significance, FCS will identify mitigation measures that <br /> would reduce criteria pollutants and/or GHG emissions to a less-than-significant level. When possible, <br /> mitigation measures will be quantified for their emission reduction potentials using, but not limited to <br /> CaIEEMod's mitigation component,California Air Pollution Control Officer Association (CAPCOA) <br /> guidance, and BAAQMD guidance. Any design features and mitigation measures included in the project <br /> will be discussed in the analysis. <br /> NORTH AMERICA I EUROPE I AFRICA I AUSTRALIA I ASIA 7 <br /> FIRSTCARBONSOLUTIONS.COM <br />