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Annette Brecheisen <br />From: <br />Subject <br />Pleasanton City Clerk <br />Panhandlers in Pleasanton <br />From: Jon Rodrigues <br />Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 9:19 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council < citycouncil> <br />Subject: Panhandlers in Pleasanton <br />Dear City Council, <br />SUPPLEMENTAL- MATERIAL. <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />Date 3r =17 <br />I have been a Pleasanton resident for the past 7 years; however, I have lived in the Danville, San Ramon, Pleasanton area for more <br />than 30 years. I am writing with the hope you will strongly consider adopting a public ordinance strictly prohibiting <br />soliciting, vending, etc. for money on sidewalks, center medians and the like during your Public Safety meeting <br />on March 14th. <br />There has been a tremendous increase in panhandlers in the Pleasanton area in the past 2 years. There are "career panhandlers" on the <br />SB 680 on and off ramps, Bernal Safeway parking lot, Stoneridge Dr, Johnson Dr and Foothill Road to name just a few places. Some <br />of these panhandlers have young children with them, forcing them to stand in the hot sun all day or in the pouring down rain and cold. <br />Some folks hold signs for months that say, "just passing through ", they wander through stores, squat on benches, bus stops, parks and <br />tables outside of grocery stores. <br />The longer these folks are allowed to panhandle in Pleasanton without consequence, the worse the situation will <br />become. If the population of panhandlers continues to increase an influx of homeless folks will be next, then <br />tent camps, then increased crime, so on and so fourth. Pleasanton residents and visitors will go outside of <br />Pleasanton to eat, shop, attend events, etc. and Pleasanton's economy will suffer. <br />The panhandlers on on/off ramps, city streets and parking lots are also a safety concern. If these folks get hit by <br />a car, will they sue the city because the city allowed them to panhandle without consequence? This may be a <br />stretch, but not out of the realm of possibility. <br />Thank you for your time. I am hopeful the City Council will find swift resolution to this issue. <br />Regards, <br />Jon Rodrigues <br />Pleasanton Resident <br />1 <br />