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Annette Brecheisen <br />From: <br />Subject: <br />Pleasanton City Clerk <br />FW: Homeless <br />From: Carl Marsh <br />Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 8:10 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council < citycouncil> <br />Subject: Homeless <br />Dear City Council, <br />SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br />Provided to the City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />3- 10-17 <br />Date <br />While we all may have different political views I strongly believe that we all want what is best for the citizens <br />of Pleasanton. I understand that you have a workshop scheduled for March 14 to discuss potential public safety <br />programs. I would like to strongly encourage the city council to enact /enforce any law to outlaw panhandling, <br />sleeping on public sidewalks or in parks within the city of Pleasanton. I have lived in Pleasanton for 41 years <br />and have noticed an increase in the homeless population and panhandling on main thoroughfares in the city over <br />the past few years. We currently have a full time resident living at the bus stop on Springdale Dr. next to Kasier <br />and a panhandler that works the S/B 680 off ramp at Stoneridge Dr on a daily basis. The city needs to intervene <br />in these types of living arrangements now in order to prevent what has happened in other cities. There are many <br />programs that exist to help the homeless and those down on their luck and the city should provide each of these <br />people a path to the help they require. I fear that the pictures below depict what will be the ultimate outcome if <br />you fail to act in a responsible manner to this problem. <br />Homeless in 1970's <br />omeless <br />2017 <br />Is this really the path we want to chose to go down ?? I don't think so. Don't say it can't happen in Pleasanton <br />because it can and will if we do not have forward thinking. Once you let the camel get it's nose in the tent you <br />know where you are headed. You can't stop it. <br />Thank you for your attention to this increasing problem, <br />Carl Marsh <br />Stoneridge Area <br />1 <br />