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Annette Brecheisen <br />From: <br />Subject: <br />Pleasanton City Clerk <br />solicitation /panhandling <br />From: Mike Marsh <br />Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 10:32 PM <br />To: Mayor and City Council c citycouncil> <br />Subject: solicitation /panhandling <br />Dear City Council, <br />SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL <br />Provide City Council <br />After Distribution of Packet <br />3_- <br />Date <br />I am sending this email in regards to your Work Plan Priority Workshop to be held on Tuesday March 14th. I will likely <br />not be able to attend in person and want to voice my opinion on one specific matter. This matter is the increasing <br />number of panhandlers soliciting for money in the city of Pleasanton. <br />Over the last couple of years I have seen the number of solicitors in the city continuously increase. The fact that this <br />number continues to increase is alarming to me, as I see them constantly in the same general areas and I am sure that <br />you see them as well. I see people hand over money and food, but whenever they get food all they do is put it on the <br />ground in a pile and when they leave the food pile stays there. We have turned a blind eye to this problem for too long <br />and it is continuing to grow as I see new people coming in every couple months adding to the ones already here. I <br />wondered why the Police Department had not done anything about this, but then I look at the municipal codes that the <br />city has I realize that the Police Department is powerless in dealing with this growing problem. <br />I have worked in the city of Oakland for the past 10 years and I have seen how bad this problem can become and how <br />out of hand it can get. I have seen "tent cities" pop up all over the place and this is not something that I would like to <br />see in this city. I have seen first hand the filth and waste associated. Some of that waste is already starting to manifest <br />itself in our city as it is clearly evident where they set up shop by the waste they leave behind. I have personally seen in <br />Oakland the homeless that will break into cars in order to steal some spare change and any valuables left out in plain <br />sight. I have seen the needles left behind from getting their high that become a health hazard to everyone. I have seen <br />buckets of urine and human feces spread on the sidewalks. While this may sound extreme I can promise you that it is <br />not, and if left alone we will allow these same scenarios to come to fruition in our city. I am not naive enough to think <br />that crime and drugs do not already exist in our city, but I do not want to open the door to more. I do not wish one day <br />to go the Safeway on Bernal and see a tent on the sidewalk, I do not wish to go to the mall one day and see 2 or 3 tents <br />set up, because if this happens it will only get worse. <br />With that said, I urge you to adopt a municipal code that empowers our Police Department. The PPD does an incredible <br />job of protecting us given the laws that they are able to enforce as defined by the California Vehicle and Penal codes. <br />Now lets give them some help where those fall short. They lack the necessary violations to stop all panhandling. So I <br />urge you to think ahead, look at the big picture and strictly prohibit any and all solicitation, vending, panhandling on any <br />and all city sidewalks, center medians and streets without a permit. Vendors are required to have a permit to solicit <br />door to door, I do not see why this should be any different. There are a number of resources that are available to the <br />homeless in order to help them get back on their feet. Lets direct these individuals towards those programs and away <br />from our streets. <br />Thank you, <br />Mike Marsh <br />Highland Oaks <br />1 <br />