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The vision statement reads: <br /> The livability of these development sites is paramount. These future <br /> developments not only address housing needs for families of all incomes <br /> and ages, and also provide a supply of workforce housing in the City to <br /> accommodate mandated Regional Housing Need Allocations by the State <br /> of California. <br /> We desire to build a neighborhood with several amenities for future <br /> residents and the existing community to enjoy. Simply put, it must be a <br /> very nice place to live. The developments shall be situated in an <br /> attractively designed landscaped environment with ample open space, <br /> play areas, trail connections, pedestrian amenities, pool area, fitness <br /> facility and community rooms for residents. The developments shall be <br /> transit oriented with direct and inviting access to all modes of <br /> transportation, including transit (e.g. BART), bus lines, trails, and bike <br /> connections... <br /> The Standards and Guidelines also include several design options for a modified <br /> Owens Drive, each including the narrowing of the street, diagonal parking to serve retail <br /> uses and sidewalk corner bulbouts to reduce the length of the pedestrian crossing. <br /> Following the adoption of the Hacienda TOD Standards & Design Guidelines the city <br /> received planned unit development (PUD) applications for two of the sites: <br /> 1) Owens Drive — Essex 1 — (PUD-85-08-12D), BRE Properties, Inc. to construct <br /> a mixed-use high-density residential/commercial development containing <br /> 251 residential units, four live/work units, and approximately 5,700 square feet of <br /> retail space on the property located at the southeast corner of Owens Drive and <br /> Willow Road; and <br /> 2) Gibraltar Drive — Essex 2 — (PUD-81-30-86D), BRE Properties, Inc. to <br /> construct a high-density residential development containing 247 residential units <br /> and four live/work units on the property located at the northern corner of Gibraltar <br /> Drive and Hacienda Drive (former WP Carey site). <br /> As called for in the vision statement, the projects include ample open space amenities <br /> including a 0.55 acre public park, a public plaza, ample private open space and a trail <br /> connecting the two sites leading to the crosswalk that connects the Iron Horse Trail to <br /> the Bart Station. <br /> Both projects were approved by the City on April 17, 2012. Construction is nearly <br /> complete on Essex 1 and the residential portion of the building is occupied. Essex 2, on <br /> Gibraltar Drive, and the public park are still under construction at this time. <br /> Page 3 of 9 <br />