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Housing Element and Climate Action Plan General Plan Amendment and Rezonings <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan <br />38. Mitigation Measure 4.6 -1: Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, <br />whichever is sooner, the project developer shall submit an air quality construction plan <br />detailing the proposed air quality construction measures related to the project such as <br />construction phasing, construction equipment, and dust control measures, and such plan <br />shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. Air quality construction <br />measures shall include Basic Construction Mitigation Measures (BAAQMD, May 2011) <br />and, where construction- related emissions would exceed the applicable thresholds, <br />Additional Construction Mitigation Measures shall be included on all grading, utility, <br />building, landscaping, and improvement plans during all phases of construction. <br />39. Mitigation Measure 4.C-1a: Pre - construction Breeding Bird Surveys. Prior to development <br />of each phase of project activities that have the potential to result in impacts on breeding <br />birds, the project developer shall take the following steps to avoid direct losses of nests, <br />eggs, and nestlings and indirect impacts to avian breeding success: <br />a. If grading or construction activities occur only during the non - breeding season, <br />between August 31 and February 1, no surveys will be required. <br />b. Pruning and removal of trees and other vegetation, including grading of grasslands, <br />should occur whenever feasible, outside the breeding season (February 1 through <br />August 31). During the breeding bird season (February 1 through August 31), a <br />qualified biologist shall survey activity sites for nesting raptors and passerine birds <br />not more than 14 days prior to any ground - disturbing activity or vegetation removal. <br />Surveys shall include all line -of -sight trees within 500 feet (for raptors) and all <br />vegetation (including bare ground) within 250 feet for all other species. <br />C. Based on the results of the surveys, avoidance procedures shall be adopted, if <br />necessary, on a case -by -case basis. These may include construction buffer areas <br />(up to several hundred feet in the case of raptors) or seasonal avoidance. <br />d. Bird nests initiated during construction are presumed to be unaffected, and no buffer <br />would be necessary, except to avoid direct destruction of a nest or mortality of <br />nestlings. <br />e. If preconstruction surveys indicate that nests are inactive or potential habitat is <br />unoccupied during the construction period, no further mitigation is required. Trees <br />and shrubs that have been determined to be unoccupied by nesting or other special - <br />status birds may be pruned or removed. <br />40. Mitigation Measure 4.0 -1 b: Pre - Construction Bat Surveys. Prior to the issuance of a <br />grading or building permit, a qualified biologists shall conduct a pre- construction special - <br />status bat surveys when large trees are to be removed or underutilized or vacant buildings <br />are to be demolished. If active day or night roosts are found, the bat biologist shall take <br />actions to make such roosts unsuitable habitat prior to tree removal or building demolition. <br />A no- disturbance buffer of 100 feet shall be created around active bat roosts being used for <br />maternity or hibernation purposes. Bat roosts initiated during construction are presumed to <br />be unaffected, and no buffer would be necessary. <br />PUD -110, Irby Ranch City Council <br />Page 8 of 32 <br />Page 45 of 53 <br />