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41. Mitigation Measure 4.0 -2: Riparian and Wetland Setbacks. Consistent with the Alameda <br />County Watercourse Protection Ordinance, no new grading or development shall be <br />allowed within 20 feet of the edge of riparian vegetation or top of bank, whichever is further <br />from the creek centerline, as delineated by a qualified, City- approved biologist. <br />42. Mitigation Measure 4.D -1b: If the Irby home is approved to be demolished, prior to <br />demolition, the structure shall be documented according to Historic American Building <br />Survey (HAGS) standards. These standards include large format black and white <br />photographs, an historical narrative describing the architectural and historical <br />characteristics of the building, and measured drawings (or reproduced existing drawings if <br />available). The HABS documentation shall be archived at the City of Pleasanton Planning <br />Division. <br />43. Mitigation Measure 4.D -2: Prior to the issuance of grading permits for development, the <br />developer shall submit to the City an archaeological mitigation program that has been <br />prepared by a licensed archaeologist with input from a Native American Representative. <br />The applicant shall implement the requirements and measures of this program, which will <br />include, but not be limited to: <br />a. Submission of periodic status reports to the City of Pleasanton and the NAHC. <br />b. Submission of a final report, matching the format of the final report submitted for <br />CA- Ala- 613/H, dated March 2005, to the City and the NAHC. <br />C. A qualified archaeologist and the Native American Representative designated by the <br />NAHC will be present on site during the grading and trenching for the foundations, <br />utility services, or other on -site excavation, in order to determine if any bone, shell, <br />or artifacts are uncovered. If human remains are uncovered, the applicant will <br />implement Mitigation Measure 4.D4, below. <br />44. Mitigation Measure 4.D -3: In the event that paleontological resources are encountered <br />during the course of development, all construction activity must temporarily cease in the <br />affected area(s) until the uncovered fossils are properly assessed by a qualified <br />paleontologist and subsequent recommendations for appropriate documentation and <br />conservation are evaluated by the Lead Agency. Excavation or disturbance may continue <br />in other areas of the site that are not reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent or additional <br />paleontological resources. <br />45. Mitigation Measure 4.D -4: In the event that human remains are discovered during <br />grading and construction of development facilities by the Housing Element, work shall stop <br />immediately. There shall be no disposition of such human remains, other than in <br />accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in California Health and Safety <br />Code Section 7050.5 and Public Resources Section 5097.98. These code provisions <br />require notification of the County Coroner and the Native American Heritage Commission, <br />who in turn must notify the persons believed to be most likely descended from the <br />deceased Native American for appropriate disposition of the remains. <br />46. Mitigation Measure 4.G -5 (c): Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building <br />permit, whichever is sooner, the project Applicant shall submit verification from the FAA, or <br />other verification to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or Chief Building Official, of <br />PUD -110, Irby Ranch City Council <br />Page 9 of 32 <br />