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34. Rain gutters shall discharge into landscaping planter areas where feasible. These details <br />shall be shown on the plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division for plan check <br />and are subject to the review and approval of the Director of Community Development prior <br />to building permit issuance. <br />35. The new homes shall be constructed to allow for future installation of a Photovoltaic (PV) <br />system and solar water heating systems. The project applicant/developer shall comply <br />with the following requirements for making the proposed residential units photovoltaic - <br />ready and solar- water - heating- ready: <br />Electrical conduit and cable pull strings shall be installed from the roof /attic area to the <br />building's main electrical panels; <br />An area shall be provided near the electrical panel for the installation of an "inverter" <br />required to convert the direct current output from the photovoltaic panels to alternating <br />current; <br />c. Engineer the roof trusses to handle an additional load as determined by a structural <br />engineer to accommodate the additional weight of a prototypical photovoltaic system <br />beyond that anticipated for roofing; <br />d. Plumbing shall be installed for solar -water heating; and <br />e. Space shall be provided for a solar- water - heating tank. <br />These measures shall be shown on the building permit plan set submitted to the Director of <br />Community Development for review and approval before issuance of the first building <br />permit. <br />36. The State of California's Green Building Standards Code, "CALGreen," shall apply, if <br />applicable. <br />37. The developer shall comply with the recommendations of the noise assessment entitled <br />"Irby Ranch, Pleasanton, CA Environmental Noise Assessment" by Charles M. Salter <br />Associates, Inc., dated "11 February 2015," on file with the Planning Division with the <br />exception that the 8 -foot wall adjacent to the tree park along Stanley Boulevard shall not be <br />installed. Details of the noise mitigations shall be submitted in conjunction with the plans <br />submitted for issuance of building permits and shall be subject to review and approval by <br />the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of building permits for the <br />project. The applicant's noise consultant shall review the applicable noise mitigations <br />shown on the building permit plans to ensure that the recommendations have been <br />properly incorporated into the design. The consultant shall certify in writing that such <br />recommendations have been followed. <br />PUD -110, Irby Ranch City Council <br />Page 7 of 32 <br />